Chapter 6

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Celeste Moroni-
It's been one week since I killed Michael. One week since Samuel was forced to grow up. One week since the American Mafia truly suffered.

Everything has been a blur since then. I've stayed in bed and barely came out. The others brought food to me, but I barely touched it. Everyone tried to convince me to leave my room, but I couldn't.

Everything just hurts too much. I wanted to end it all four days ago. I just wanted to finally end my misery and be set free.

Flashback to four days ago...

I stare at myself in the mirror and I'm truly disgusted. I hate, no despise the person I have become. I don't deserve anything good or pure as it was stripped away from me.

All I see in this mirror is my horrible mother. Our faces match each other so well it disgust me. I don't want to look like that monster, or I'll become one.

No maybe I already am one. I have become everyone's demise and they'll all hate me. One persons forgiveness isn't enough when everyone else will hate me.

They'll beat me and kick me. They'll destroy me with their words that hurt like bullets. I will end up causing their death.

How can family do that to each other?

I look down at my knife sitting on the counter and contemplate. One cut, no multiple cuts is all it takes to end the pain. A few slices and it's all over.

I'll finally be at rest with the stroke of my blade.

I pick up the blade with shaky hands and stare at myself. No tears are left for me to cry.  The heartbreak ends with one slice.

I place the blade on my arm and hold it there. I start to apply pressure before a knock and one voice stops me.

"Celeste can you come out so we can speak sweetie?"
Flashback over...

I almost killed myself four days ago. I almost took myself out of this horrible world. All the pain and suffering would've ended four days.

Somehow my father, no Axel new the right time to come talk to me. Somehow he knew deep down inside that I needed him right at that moment.

"U-uh y-yeah one second." I stutter out dropping the blade. I pick the blade back up and hide it before pulling myself together quickly. I mask my face with false emotions before opening the door.

Axel stands in front of  me with a small smile and pie. Pie?

"Hi I've never had to do the feelings stuff, but here I am. Are you okay with everything that's happened recently?" He ask placing the items on my bed.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask still feeling awkward. He indicates for me to have a seat next to him.

"To be honest I've never done the feelings bullshit either so let's drop it. We can eat this pie in silence and watch a movie if you'd like?" I ask not wanting to talk about how I feel.

"That's fine with me." He says with a big fatherly smile.
Flashback over...

I've started to leave my room more, but I won't speak to anyone. Axel may have comforted me in a way, but it wasn't enough.

No more feelings and no more attachments. I have one job and that's to take down the Italian mafia and kill everyone that stands against me.

I'm a heartless killer and I don't care nor love anyone. My only missions in life are to take out the people who must go. My mission is to brutally murder people to prove a point.

Celeste MoroniWhere stories live. Discover now