"It's just that, now is not the time. You- you are still mated to Yuri and I- I don't even know where I belong, I am not a member of Phoenix pack any more and I'm not exactly sure that I fit in here either. Peter is probably waiting for me to leave any minute now"

He shook his head repeatedly as I spoke
"No, No you belong here with me. By my side"
I watched as he stretched his hands towards me but withdrew it before it came in with me.

Tell me how to love this Man when he's so thoughtful, I do not have a single doubt that Raven was willing to protect me with his life if need be and that also scared me, It is my duty as his marked beta to protect him not the other way around.

"You have to promise me that you won't leave me again Raven"
His pleading eyes stared into mine, it almost made me make a promise I wouldn't be able to keep

"Dominic I..."
I was cut off when he placed a finger over my lips

"You know what, don't promise anything. Just wait for me"
I stared at him confused as he hurried out of my room only stopping at the door

"Stay put"
He stated before vanishing behind the door.


I stood beside the bed where she was restrained, chained even though she wasn't moving, at least not right now. She wasn't asleep, you could tell from her occasionally weak blinks. But I can't really say that she was conscious either...just there, head bent in an uncomfortable position towards the white walls of the pack clinic, and foamy white saliva running down her mouth, her skin was pale and her body was covered with scars that don't seem to be healing properly.

"How- how long has she been like this?"
I was finally able to ask, i tried to not let Vanessa hear the sadness in my voice, I was afraid that it'd break her and the tears that she was fighting so hard to hold back would escape. I have known Casandra since childhood and believe me when I say that she is the nicest werewolf I've ever met, unlike her pair Vanessa she was calm and caring. I remember how happy she was when she and Robin discovered each other. at first I found him unworthy of my friend Casandra but I saw the way he looked at her and the way he cared for her.
I knew that they were going to be happy with each other.

Vanessa let's out a weak sigh
"Well, she started rambling on and on about Robin being dead while you were locked up in the dungeons. But her complaints fell into deaf ears, Luna Claire told everyone that Robin was sent on a task and he would return in no time. He didn't..."
I clench my fist as she spoke trying to calm myself, of course our beloved Alpha and Luna are involved
Who is surprised?
Definitely not the wolf they gifted out to Phoenix pack.

"As the years went by she grew quieter and quieter, occasionally having violent episodes. Where she attempts to take her life or where she blames the Alpha and the Luna for the death of Robin even though he wasn't ever officially been proven dead, I don't know I think it is easier to believe that, he'll walk through that door one day and end all this suffering" she forces a weak chuckle

"Then why wasn't a search party organized to find him, if he was sent on a task like they claim he was, his body wouldn't be too difficult to recover"

I couldn't bare to look at her like this, she looks nothing like the once vibrant Casandra, she looks...empty.
I watched as Vanessa walked forward to seat beside Casandra

"The Alpha didn't...see it necessary, after all Robin was just a guard wolf"
She tucked a stray hair  that laid across Casandras face behind her ear and saw as Casandras body stiffened as if displeased by the contact.

"What about Dominic, what was his role in all of this?"
Obviously all this wouldn't have been easy on Dominic, this and me choosing to go to Phoenix pack.

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