~ Y3 ~ Chapter 8

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"Y/N! We won! We actually won!" George's voice appeared behind her. She let go of Fred and turned towards the other twin, smilling from ear to ear.

"I think that's a record. Has the Snitch ever been caught this early?" she asked.

"Maybe." Oliver came into view.

"Everyone! Party in the Gryffindor common room!" Fred screamed. "Everyone is welcome!"


"Harry dove SO fast, I kinda lost him for a sec." Aldon chuckeled, telling Y/N the match from his perspective.

"I wish I paid more attention. Why does Draco have to be SO annoying?" the Slytherin sighed.

The boy laughed in response "That's what you get for being the older sibling. Thanks Godric I am an only child!"

"Well hello, there!" Cedric came out of nowhere and slid his left arm around Y/N's waist. "How are you two? Enjoyed the match?" he looked between the two.

"It was good. Aldon was just telling me about it, as Draco was a pain in the arse and I wasn't able to concentrate." the girl rolled her eyes.

"Mind if I steal her from you?" the Hufflepuff asked and Aldon gave him a glare and nodded. "Thanks, mate! Fred and George just came back with more cakes from the kitchens. Want some?" he pulled her closer to him. 

"Yea. I had only one small piece when I arrived. I tried getting another a few minutes ago, but couldn't."

"Then you're in luck this time, little snake. They brought 5 cakes; and they're HUGE." he pointed towards the large table near the entrance. There were 5 big cakes, juice and butterbeer. "Let me cut you a piece." he let go of her and cut her a piece. He placed it neatly on a paper plate and also picked up a napkin and a small spoon. "Here you go.." he gave her the cake.

"Thanks, Mr Hufflepuff." she smiled. She felt a rush of confidence and decided to do something she never thought she had the guts to; she leaned up a little and kissed Cedric on the cheek. He was left stunned and before he could say anything she left looking for Oliver. 

Her heart was racing and she was getting redder every second. Oliver even asked her if she felt okay, putting his hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

"I'm okay, Oliver!" she laughed, slapping his hand off her.

He shrugged "If you say so."

For the rest of the party, she could see Cedric looking at her and when he realised he had been caught looking, he would slightly widen his eyes and look somewhere else quickly.


As the weeks passed, Y/N started to get more and more anxious about the end of year exams; or that is what her friends thought.

"Y/N, we have time until the exams. Come on, have some fun!" George was hunched over her table. "Fred and I want to pull a prank on Ron. Wanna join?"

"Yea, Y/N! Join us. It's also Easter Break, for Merlin's sake!" Fred added.

"Ten weeks, guys. It's not a huge lot of time, if you ask me." she said, not taking her eyes off her books.

"Anyways, what are you revising for, you already know it all?" Fred asked, shifting positions to take a look at her notes.

"Potions, like always." she shrugged. This time she looked at both of them.

"Y/N...You're the, and if not one of, best in our year at Potions." Fred raised one of his eyebrows at her.

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum