Raggedy Doll

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This is the story of the raggedy doll
With raggedy hair, like my own
Don't remember when I had clean water
Or someone to take care of myself.

These dirt on my face
Doesn't wash away.
I am starting from scratch
And scraping for crapes.

My only company is my raggedy doll
With curly red hair like mine
The only difference is Here still red
While mine turned black trying to survive

My dress is torn and so is hers
But never felt alone
As we held each other close to us.
In the midst of war and dust.

Then came the wave of gunpowder
In the crowed of people trying to escape
I lost the one thing that held my hand
Raggedy where are you I am so sorry.

Here is orphanage I lie awake
Praying that raggedy has found its way.

A young couple took me in
Showered love and care
But I still miss raggedy
Never forget.

One faithful night while I cry asleep
A faint knock on my door, with raggedy standing still.
It was Christmas miracle, as the night was
It was the same old raggedy found it's way back to me.

My new mama papa said that Santa came
In the clothes of a war soldier who never rest
He saw raggedy in the dirt and picked up.
Remembering he seen a little girl holding it so tight.

I cried and rejoiced to reunite with my best friend
Raggedy was my family before everything happened.
Thanked the Santa who cared so much
Hugged my new family as we are whole again.

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