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Evelyn Munson sat in a leather chair behind the curtain as the next group was called to perform their talents in the 6th grade talent show. In her arms and tightly strapped to her shoulder was a red Harley Benton electric guitar, and her fingers lingered over the strings, nervous as her right leg frantically bounced. She had pale skin, painted black nails with so much eyeshadow around her eyes it looked like she had raccoon eyes. She had obsidian-colored eyes and shaved black hair that had been once so short and unruly. She wore a Black Sabbath t-shirt with acid washed ripped jeans.

The next group was a group of cheerleaders, they were dressed in green short sleeved shirts with a little skirt to go with it. Among the group of girls was a timid strawberry blonde young man in the short-sleeved shirt with green leggings. The girls were urging the guy to go on, but he looked like he was frozen in place, and he couldn't move. 

Evelyn felt sympathy for the young man and looked up at the girls harassing the young man, feeling slight raged by how they were treating him. "Hey blondie!" she yelled, causing the girls to stop talking making them and the young man turned around to face her. "Not you," she says, gesturing to the cheerleaders and pointing to the boy. "You. Ignore the girls dude, you're gonna go out there and you're going to do just fine. Go out there and kick some ass," she flashed a small smile at him, and the young guy soon did the same. 

"Thank you," he said in a timid voice. Evelyn nodded towards the stage gesturing him to go, and the guy turned around, taking a deep breath and facing the stage as the girls ran out, him following. 

Evelyn smiled to herself, seeing that her advice had worked, and the young man was going to be just fine. 

"Eve," Gareth, a friend of hers that was short and round, with short curly brown hair, and light skin. He had the same eyeshadow around his eyes. "We go on in five, so make sure you're ready,"

Evelyn nodded and Gareth walked away, causing Evelyn's eyes to go back to the group performing, shaking their pom poms and dancing to the peppy music that was currently playing. Once they finished, they stroke a pose and the crowd cheered loudly, Evelyn standing up and clapping along.

She was surprised to notice that the boy had looked back at her with the goofiest grin on his face that made her smile. It was just too cute. 

"Oooo, Evelyn's got a boyfrienddd," Jeff sang, a dark skinned and short haired boy walked up behind her with the rest of the boys.

Evelyn rolls her eyes. "He just needed help and I gave it to him and now he's happy. Now shut up so we can hear our name being called,"

"And the next group ladies and gentlemen," came a voice over the speaker as the cheerleader's exited the stage through the other side of the curtain, "Corroded Coffin!" 

"Let's go losers!" Evelyn joked as she walked to the stage, confidence through the roof as her friends followed her with their equipment. She picked up her speaker that had a cord dangling from it as she went to the front of the stage. She set the speaker down, connecting the cord to her guitar and tuning it just a little as everyone behind her shuffled, getting ready. 

She looked behind her and her buddies gave her a thumbs up. She grinned as she stepped to the microphone. "And a one, a two, a one, two, three, four!"

Her band began playing the opening part to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" the best that they could from weeks of practice. Evelyn's fingers glide over the strings, the memorized notes and strings coming back to her as she played.

After their performance and a crowd of applause, Evelyn was happy, and her bandmates were as well as they exited the stage. 

"Corroded Coffin just won this shit!" Evelyn yelled, raising her arms in victory as her bandmates cheered and a teacher whispered a profanity warning, which caused Evelyn to flip him off when his back was turned.

"We can celebrate at my house!" Gareth said. "My parents said they'd order a pizza!"

The other guys whooped, and they began to silence and titter as the young strawberry blonde cheerleader walked over, his hands fidgeting constantly as he looked at Evelyn. He looked at her friends timidly as her friends began to say something, but Evelyn held up a hand, silencing them.

She turned to them and flashed a smile. "Boys, care to give me and blondie a moment?"

Gareth narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "Is that your-"

"Gareth." she warned, her dark eyes narrowing. He gulped and silenced with a single word, the other guys pushing them off to meet their parents after the last group was done performing. She turned to the boy, who had calmed down as it seemed after her friends left.

"I- I wanted to thank you for helping me. I was scared before I went out there and you saying that helped."

Evelyn smiled hearing that, and she nodded. "Those girls were giving you shit that you didn't need to hear, and you were great out there, just like I thought you would be," 

"You were cool with your guitar and your band too. I've never heard that song before."

Evelyn tilted her head. "Never heard of Led Zeppelin?"

"My parents tend to think that's kind of satanic music," he said, beginning to lose the tension in his body as he continually talked to her. 

"Your parents sound like the biggest heavily religious music snobs ever, no offense," 

The guy laughed, a sound that was gentle to hear and it warmed Evelyn's insides. 

"What's your name, blondie?"

"Christopher. How about you?"


"It's a pretty name," the guy said, looking down and looked like if he was turning pink. 

"Is it really? First time I've heard that," Evelyn said with honest surprise in her voice.


"Christie! Your parents want to come see you after your performance!" another blonde, a girl who was a few inches shorter than Christopher and Evelyn walked over, beaming. She recognized she was a cheerleader as well and was one of the ones teasing the boy.

He immediately tensed up again and nodded, a jerky movement. "O-Okay just let me say goodbye to Evelyn,"

"Who's that?" she said, her voice saccharin sweet until her eyes landed upon Evelyn, and she sneered, a look of pure disgust. "Who are you, and are you trying to attack my Christie?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I've got a knife in my hand as I speak, planned to kill him, but oh noo, you wrecked my plans," she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes again causing Christopher to hold back an obvious laugh.

"Freak," the girl said under her breath as her saccharin-sweet smile appeared on her face again. "Come on Chris, my parents will take us out to dinner at McDonald's to celebrate after they announce the winners!"

Chris looked at Evelyn with a look of apology and nodded, allowing himself to be dragged off by the girl. 

Well, that was weird. Evelyn thought as she grabbed her speaker and walked to the exit of the stage. He was nice though.

The Cheerleader's Freak (In Progress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin