Start from the beginning

Aiming down at the blonde she shot the crossbow which released with explosive power. It only took a matter of seconds before the arrow pierced the blonde's ankle, halting his fall as he stared up as the girl. She simply held onto the chain as the blonde winced in shock, pain shooting up his leg.

Nevertheless he was alive, thanks to the female. He glanced at his ankle which had become red with blood as a sharp black arrow pierced through it.

"Kurapika!" Leorio and Gon called relieved that the male was safe and alive. Killua just looked up at the female whose violet eyes pierced into his.

They dangled for a few more minutes before Gon gasped, "Right now!" He cried as dozens of applicants dropped from their webbing, grabbing the eggs as they began to fall forward. Even Kurapika had ripped out the arrow in his leg to grab the egg, everyone falling out of sight until a large breeze swept Kamine's vision.

Soon all the applicants began floating in the air holding proudly onto their eggs as they landed.

Kurapika winced, falling to the ground as Kamine walked over to the group.

"Kurapika are you alright?!" Leorio examined his ankle with worry as he instantly began treating it.

"I'm alright, it doesn't hurt that much anymore." Kurapika winced as the man poured disinfectant on the wound, cringing as it stung the boy.

The blonde looked up at the girl. "You saved me." He commented as he looked up to the girl, she had already put the crossbow away and was holding the bloody arrow as he sighed.

"You have good aim!" Gon commented earnestly as he glanced over the ledge, realizing how far away the shot really was.

"All applicants who failed to retrieve an egg now fail." Menchi declared as Killua gasped in shock.

"Wait Kamine! You never grabbed an egg, you're gonna fail the exam!" Killua gasped grabbing onto the female's shoulders as she frowned.

"No it's okay, she can take mine." Kurapika commented as the pair looked at the male in shock, "It's only fair, I wouldn't have been able to retrieve the egg without her help. Besides, I don't know how well I'll do in the other exams with this injury." Kurapika explained as Gon frowned, conflicted by the situation.

"I'll just take it again next year." Kurapika determined with a sad smile as Leorio gasped, "No way! You've worked so hard for this. Don't give it up just because you're injured!" Leorio urged as Kurapika sighed.

"I'm not giving it up because I'm injured, this is the right thing to do." Kurapika mentioned as Kamine frowned, she didn't like getting her win through the sacrifice of someone else, "Here. Take it." Kurapika handed her the egg as another presence suddenly butted in.

"No can do!" Menchi determined as she observed the group. "Kurapika was the one that had chosen to take the plummet and retrieve the egg, granted he was helped along the way. Hunters need to have a certain level of courage and willingness to throw themselves into danger in order to be successful." Menchi explained.

"A certain level of courage that you failed to possess." She lectured pointing at the female as Killua growled, stepping in front of the girl.

"That's not true! Kamine saved me during the first exam! She possesses plenty of courage." Gon interjected frowning as Menchi sighed.

"This is at a different level than the first exam. If she had the courage you think she does, than she wouldn't have hesitated to jump." Menchi sighed as she showed the female the big red 'X'. It appears the examiner was still bitter over the stew Kamine prepared from her first exam.

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