Chapter 17

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Ethan looked through space while rubbing Mia's back, he was heartbroken seeing Mia in tears, and he couldn't stop thinking of her swollen face. His blood boiled over the palm print on her face. He couldn't wait to find the person that did that to her.

Ethan didn't know how much time passed as they stood in the hall. While he was pleased that Mia was in his arms, he worried about her standing for long, but he didn't want to rob her of the comfort she was in. She might shy away from him after she pours her heart out.

After some minutes, Ethan let go of Mia as he felt her shift in his arms. She has stopped crying.

"I'm sorry for ruining your clothes," Mia apologizes, bowing her head slightly. Ethan stared at her red swollen face, tears still visible on it.

"It's fine," He said softly, eyes on her. "Let's go inside." He turned to enter inside, but Mia stopped him.

"Please block the credit card." She pleaded. Ethan turned to her.

"Okay, but you need to tell me what happened.  Let's go inside. " Ethan entered the office, not giving her time to talk further or decline. Mia followed after.

I stood in the middle of the office, waiting for Ethan to come out of his room. I could hear him talking to someone over the phone. But I couldn't pick the words. Not knowing when he was ending the call, I sat on one of the couches. I didn't have any idea of the time, my phone was dead. I hope josh didn't go home, he'd be worried if he can't reach me on phone and at home.

A few minutes later, Ethan walked out with a first-aid kit in his left hand, I wondered what it was for, knowing I didn't sustain any injuries. My eyes found their way to his body then his robe. I haven't noticed what he was wearing earlier when I hugged him, now I  felt embarrassed remembering how he held me tight to his body. Ethan must have caught me staring at him because he smirked when my eyes met his.

I adjusted myself when he sat on the same couch. He opened the kit, taking out a ball of wet wool. I gave him a questioning gaze when he turned to me, pointing at my arm.

"You didn't realize that you got a scrape on your arm right?" He asked, staring at me. I looked at my arm, surprised at the now-dried scrape. It must have happened when dad pushed me at first.

"Your hand?" Ethan asked, pointing his hand at me. I let him take my hand as he held it softly. He reminded me of josh. I flinched when he pressed the damp cotton on the scrape.

" Who did this to you?" I stopped staring at my arm to look at him when he asked. I pondered on if I should tell him about my father, I didn't want to lie to him after all his help and patience.

"My dad took the card, he thought it was mine," I decided to tell him the important part. He didn't say anything, only focusing on my arm. I wondered if he believed me.

"I asked to block the card because I didn't want him to overspend it." I hoped he won't catch on to my lie. He dropped the now red wool to pick a tiny tube. I winced when he applied something jelly from the tube to the scrape before putting a sterile bandage on it.

"Now that we are done, Let's do something about your face," He said, eyes on my face.

"Mia, you should tell me what happened. Trust me."  He stood up taking the first aid box with him. Trust. I wasn't expecting him to ask for it, I was already confused at his behavior in tending to my injuries.

A few minutes later, he came back with a little sack of ice. Sitting on the couch, he cupped my face with the sack, taking me by surprise. My face redden seeing him up close, all his face features were visible now. I couldn't help but marvel at his double eyelid, it was rare to have one. I  swallowed when my eyes found their way to his lips.

Noticing his smirk, I turned my face in embarrassment. I must have been too lost not to notice his eyes that were fixed on me. 

"What was wrong with me? 

I couldn't remember the last time I entertained this thought or feeling. I brushed the thought away when I felt my cheeks cold. Maybe I was feeling like this because he hugged me earlier. My body must have yearned for someone's affection too much.

"My cheeks are okay now. Thank You."

He nodded dropping the sack on the
table. "In exchange for my help, you have to answer my questions, Mia."

Knowing what he wanted to ask, I nodded. It won't hurt to tell the truth.  This was going to be my first time talking to someone about my dad apart from luna. I didn't know how I felt.

"Who slapped you?" He asked in a serious tone.  'Why was he cold all of a sudden? Maybe I was thinking too much.

"My dad. I couldn't let go of the card, so he slapped me. " I shrugged, trying to look unbothered.

"He slapped you?" It came out more like a state than a question. I nodded looking at his right hand that was rubbing on his lip now, he was thinking of something. He took in a deep sigh before looking at me.

" You shouldn't keep someone like him. It's better to lock him up."  He said after pondering on his thought.

"He is still my dad no matter what. I can't lock him up." My voice came out small. Is not like I never thought of keeping him in jail forever, I just couldn't do it.

"I can do that for you." He offered.

"What?" I asked, not sure of what he wanted to help with. I turned to the door when I heard a knock.

"I guess your brother is here. "

Giving him a surprised look, I went to open the door. Josh pulled me into his arm immediately after the door opened. His shoulder heaved. I rubbed his back knowing how worried he must have been.

"Why didn't you call me before going to look for him," Josh asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of that." I let out a small laugh, trying soothing him from his worries.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I pulled out of the hug, looking at him.

"Your boss called me. "

I turned to look at Ethan who was at the door, staring at us. Now I know how Josh knew I went after dad. I wondered how he got Josh's number. I couldn't remember adding Josh's number to my work profile.

"Thanks for taking care of her." Josh said to Ethan. Ethan nodded, the side of his lip lifting slightly.

"Thank you for today boss." I said bowing my head. He smiled.

"Excuse us then." Josh said, holding my hands as we head to the elevator.

"See you on Monday Mia."I turned to look at him when he called out, giving him a smile to show my appreciation.

I couldn't help but think his gaze was different from usual. Maybe I was overthinking.

Author's note:
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