The white wolf and the demon spawn

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Beep, Beep, Beep. I slam my hand down on the clock to stop the annoyance. I groan and role over stumbling out of my warm bed to look out the window.  

The sun isn't even above the horizon yet. I look away from outside and walk into the bathroom. I grab my hoody.

I look at my own reflection in the mirror. My bright ice blue eyes and mangled blond hair look back at me. I turn away and step into the shower. I turn the water freezing cold not caring. Knowing it's going to be cold outside anyway. I let the water hit my back. It's cold and sends chills up my spine. I hurry up so I can get outside.

I step out of the shower and see myself in the mirror at the body of the alpha. Very small, skinny, and frail. I don't like it. Alpha's are supposed to be intimidating. yet in this form I look like a helpless little girl.

I throw on my black tang top and hoody then my dark jeans. I also grab my backpack and head out my room. I try and creep down the stairs without arousing my dad, but when your parent has the hearing of a wolf you can't get out without him knowing . He's waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.

He watches me with his silvery eye with a few strands of his dark blond hair in them. i feel like im being stalked. I don't like this feeling of being stalked by another Alpha even if its my dad. I bit back a growl.

"Hi dad" he gives me a nod and walks into the kitchen. He is a man of few words.

I fallow him to the kitchen and rummage around for something quick to eat before I'm late. i put a pop tart in the toaster.

"Rosabella the suns about to rise" he's shifting threw the newspaper. He didn't even look out the window but I know he's right. i asked him once how he can tell, but all he did was smile and tell me i will learn it to with age. I grab a pop tart and storm out the door.

I run till I see my best friend and beta, Jack resting near the forest edge leaning agents the tree. His dark brown hair in his face again. god he needs a haircut and new clothes for that matter he has on some ratty old tee I got him for Christmas two years back.

He sees me and walks up. "Hey Rose taking the early shift again I see" he looks down at me he's taller than me by 3 inches. I wish i was taller in human form.

"Hey rose you know you forgot your shoes again" he gives me a sly smile. I look down at my bare feet. "I was in a hurry again my dad was in the kitchen so I rushed out the door. it's not like I'll need them anyway" I set my bag down. he shrugs "alright but when your feet fall off and I have to serve a two pawed alpha don't come crying to me" I hit him on the shoulder "thanks Jack" he smiles "what are best friends for"

I role my eyes at him and turn my back to him so I'm facing the woods, and start to strip. The cold air hits my skin sending chills down my spine.

I fold up my clothes and set them in my back pack then stuff it under a bush. Then I shift. I feel my muscles tighten under my skin, my bones shifting in to place, my breathing is labored , but not with pain. With excitement, fur covers my body, and were my face used to be is a pure white snout. I stretch out my legs, and paws

Jack looks at me and smiles "I still can't get over your white fur" I snap at him and he jumps back "ok ok I get it don't mention the fur" I give a toothy grin and send him a mental picture of his house. He sighs "alright I'm going home" I send him a picture of his bed. He gives me his famous lopsided smile "fine ill go to sleep too. Gees what are you my mom" I bark at him for back sassing his alpha. He just smiles and runs off. God what am I going to do with that mouthy beta.

I watch him till he's out of sight then I run. I run as fast as I can around the woods and all the way to the base of the mountain. Watching trees and small animals fly by me in sharp clear vision, and all the smells of the woods flood to me. I know every sent by heart. Loving the feeling of running, of having four paws, and of the strength this form gives me. This is the only time where I am truly me.

Once I have stopped I can smell something foul like rotting flesh. I fallow the smell to a cave. I know this sent. It's the scent of the very thing I was born to kill. I spot the creature by the mouth of the cave. He looks like a human child and is cry about its mother, but I know better and once he sees me he stops crying. The child then changes into his true form. He grows 3 feet taller and as sharp razor like teeth, His skin turns a sickly green blue color and his eyes are now a inhumanly red. He's the spawn of evil and destruction, a demon 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm back! did you miss me? sorry I haven't been updating I lost my password for a wile there and I have been busy with marching band and my deviantart page. But I finally remembered my password and have free time so I'm back XD

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