Chapter 27: The End

Start from the beginning

I try hard not to pant, because what I've seen on the screen was just too scary. This time it's Katniss who rubs circles in my back to calm me down.

The next few scenes are quick. The mutts, Cato's death, the berries. Then it's done. It's finally over.

Snow comes up, and then a girl. The girl has brown hair and is about my height. She's carrying a red velvet cushion, and it holds two tiaras and a crown.

"Thank you Celestia," Snow tells her, barely audible.

He takes the tiaras and places them on Katniss' and my head. The crown sits on Peeta's.

I am relieved when Caesar finishes the show up, but there is still the victor's banquet to attend.

As I sit during the dinner, my nerves are like crazy. Snow's snake green eyes intimidate me so much. I try not to stutter when I talk, and also try to give the answers Haymitch would want me to give. People take a few pictures, and I try to appear as normal as possible.

At night, I can't sleep. I decide to go to the roof and chill out a bit. I breath in the fresh air, and the roof reminds me of coming up here before the games. I feel so different now, and it's only been a few weeks.

I go back to my bed and just lie down. The interviews are tomorrow.

I guess I fall asleep because the next thing I know, Effie is screaming at me to wake up and throwing my covers off. I shiver from the sudden temperature drop but comply. I have breakfast with Peeta and Haymitch, get into my clothes, and get my makeup and hair done. I head down for an interview with Caesar. It almost seems normal now, the key word being almost.

But then there's the question that had to be asked, the one that would come out sooner or later. The one I never want to answer.

"So, Prim. What made you pull out those berries?"

The audience is silent.

"I...I couldn't kill my sister, nor Peeta. I...I've known them since I was young, and I wasn't going to kill them just for...this," I mumble and I stutter and I know that I did it wrong. Stupid me. Haymitch is going to kill me.

"Prim, she's an innocent little girl. She's pure, and she will believe people, trust people, and love people. When I tried to teach her how to hunt, she would only tell me of how she could cure the animals that I had shot. She can't stand to watch another creature hurt, and if it was going to be her sister or someone close, it would take a lot more than...the Hunger Games," Katniss answers. I thank her in my mind for such a great answer.

Caesar smiles and adds a few more comments.

"Prim, you are still so young. You are a young, innocent, and pure child. I think we might have all forgot," Caesar says. I give a weak smile.

Caesar wraps up the interviews and I am so relieved.

As soon as they release us, I give Katniss a tight hug and thank her, over and over, for the marvellous answer. But I know that these Games are not 100% over.

The Victory Tour will just remind everyone again, and the Games will continue, year after year. It's been 74 years, why hasn't anyone revolted?

After a few hours, I am boarding onto the train that will take me back home. But I know that life can not be the same again. I think about Lady and Buttercup, who would be delighted to see me. And Mother. Mother! Like Caesar said, I am still a child. I need a parent, a guardian who can keep me safe and protected.

The train keeps moving and we get closer to home every second.

Peeta and Katniss are talking to each other, and I am so glad that they have found each other. They are one true pairing.

I stare outside the window and watch the scenery.

"It's finally done," I whisper to myself.

But I still wonder, if these games are really over.


~A/N~ Guys...It's all done! Thank you so much for going on this whole journey with Prim and I, and all the other characters. Thank you guys for all the support and I really do love yall!

Yes, Celestia is Snow's Granddaughter, thumbs up to those who noticed.

I am very very sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, but there is always some sort of falling action in a story.

I may or may not host a one shot contest, so if you want one, show your enthusiasm below~!! I would be really happy to see you guys write, and it's okay if you are not the best writer!

This chapter is not dedicated to anyone in specific but to all of you guys for the support and love.

Thank you so much.


The Hunger Games: Prim [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now