Chapter II

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Riftan released a breath he didn't realize he was holding and gulped.

"Maxi, I...I."

Riftan slowly withdrew his shaking hand from her belly, closing his eyes he rubbed the back of his neck, before heaving a sigh.

"I need sometime to think, Maxi."

He quickly walked away and was halfway out the door, when he stopped himself short of leaving.

"To be clear," he said, looking back to a dismayed Maxi. "I'm not angry." Her saddened expression did not change, and he knew she wasn't so easily convinced, after all he was immediately fleeing the room.

Riftan strode back over to her, pulling her into his arms he kissed her deeply. She clung to him while he wove a hand through her hair.

"I'm not mad, I promise I'm not," he whispered into her hair and then rested his forehead against hers. "I just need some time to clear my head and think about this before we talk about it. Please, try to understand."

Maxi nodded her head, "I do understand, it's all sudden, so...we'll talk later then."

Riftan wiped away a small tear that escaped from her eyes.

"Why don't you lie down and rest while I'm out. I don't want you fretting, it wouldn't be good for you...or the baby. I promise, I won't be gone long. Then we'll talk."

After hugging her for a few moments longer, he kissed her gently once more before leaving.  Ludis cautiously poked her head around the door a second after he left.

"May I enter, my lady?"

Maxi smiled and waved for her to come forward, Ludis closed the door.

"Forgive me, my lady, but apparently shortly after I left mage Ruth, he informed his lordship that you excused him from seeing you."

"It's alright. I'm actually glad to have gotten it off of my shoulders."

"...Did it not go well, my lady? He seemed to leave in a hurry," Ludis timidly said.

Maxi wasn't really sure how to describe Riftan's reaction. He said he wasn't angry, but of course he didn't exactly betray any emotion akin to happiness either.

"He just needs some time to think, and wrap his head around the idea of a child. I'm sure it was the last thing he was expecting to hear today."

"Men," Ludis said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "You never can be too certain how they will react to such news. Of course I'm certain he is only apprehensive about the health and well being of you and the child, my lady. Do not worry, he will come around soon. Now, why don't I go bring you a small meal? Or would you like to have it in the dining hall?"

"I prefer to have it here and rest afterwards. His lordship promised to return shortly, so I'll wait for him," Maxi replied.

"Very well, my lady."

With Ludis gone, Maxi slowly paced her chambers, wondering where Riftan might have went, and how much longer he would be gone. Could it be that he was actually happy? But shocked and afraid to feel so because of his fears at the possibility of losing her? Even if she hadn't been at death's door with her previous miscarriage and list of injuries, realistically speaking, child bearing and birth was a dangerous thing for both mother and child. Yet, he had all those years ago expressed wanting a child with eagerness. Maxi was sure he would find a way to be content again, despite the possible risks.

Ludis took a little while before returning with Maxi's meal.

"I did a little searching while I was away, my lady. I found his lordship roaming the gardens quietly. I even spotted Roy sauntering around with him playfully." The maidservant smiled warmly.

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