[7] Start

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"Eh? All Might?" Uraraka calls as the teacher walks into the classroom instead of Aizawa. "You are teaching us from now on?"

It was the first day of school and they hadn't seen their teacher since yesterday afternoon when he told them it was time for bed.

"No," Aizawa is at the door, peering in at them.

He was in the same attire he had been in when he came to visit all their parents. A suit with his hair combed back nicely so it stays out of his face. If he turned up to class like this every day people might have more faith in the man.

"I am still your teacher," he says, stepping into the room so they can all see him. "I will be absent today, so All Might will be filling in and teaching you all for the day."

"Why, Aizawa-sensei?" Yaoyorozu asks, her hand in the air.

Shoto glances towards her. Now that the seat next to him is empty she is technically sitting next to him. Just with an empty seat between them.

"I have to go and represent someone during a questioning." He mumbles, his hands deep in his pockets. "I have to go into a police station."

"As a lawyer?" Denki asks, confused by why his teacher would get stuck teaching them every day if he can go make a lot more by being a lawyer.

"No, as a legal guardian," he says, sighing and rubbing his head lightly. "Minors need to have a legal guardian with them during questioning, people with no parents usually get a teacher or captain to represent them."

"Ohh," a collective understanding washes over the class.

"Wait, Aizawa-sensei," Kirishima asks, his face screwing up slightly, "wouldn't it be good for us to see those things? From a theory point of view?"


Aizawa snaps.

"You aren't coming to a prison with me." Aizawa drawls surprised that the class has shown so much interest in what he is doing.

"Prison? You said police station before, Aizawa-sensei."

All Might glances to the man, under any other circumstances this would be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get these kids some experience in that area of the working field before they are actually in it.

Aizawa, as if knowing what the man is thinking, looks towards him, his expression not impressed.


"It would be good Aizawa-san," All Might glances around the class, his eyes landing on a certain blonde-haired boy sitting to his right. "Plus, it will prepare them for the reality of making friends throughout the Hero industry."

Aizawa sighs and rubs his face again. "Keep them busy,"

He exits the room, heading towards Nezu's office. He can't believe that he has to do this because the former number one hero thinks it's a good idea.


"It's not a good idea, not at all," Nezu mumbles to himself as he thinks about the proposal.

Aizawa stands by the door, just waiting for the man to say no so he can continue on his way and go to Isengard. They will wait for him but not for very long.

Nezu places his hands on the table, looking up at his staff member.

"Take them with you."

Aizawa's eyes widen as he stares at the principal.


"As All Might mentioned, it will allow them to understand that those closest to you can turn out to be the villains. But it will also give them a chance to see Ekio, calm them down a little bit." Nezu is still on the fence about the idea. "It will also most likely let her see them, put her at rest."

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