[2] Disappearance

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Kirishima laughs loudly with Ashido as they wander around the shopping centre, happy to finally be on holiday. Although they had technically been on holiday for a week or so, it hadn't felt like it. They were working the whole time.

Looking for Bakugo and fighting off villains, but finally, they are at ease, getting to be children and spend their time off shopping and doing nothing useful with their lives. He looks over to Bakugo, who is walking a little behind them, hands deep in his pockets and brooding as usual.

But he is more down than usual, and they all know why. Not only was the boy kidnapped, twice, and saved, twice, he now has to deal with everything else that comes with traumatic events. Not to mention that Ekio, his best friend with some extra acknowledged feelings. He knows that she is in love with Todoroki, and he knows that at least he will be friends with her for the rest of her life.

But he can't see anyone that compares to the girl at the moment. Many of the other girls in the class keep to each other and can be bothered dealing with him, but Ekio was always there, forcing him to deal with her. She still made time for him when she had a boyfriend, and yet now that she is in jail he can't even go to her.

He tried. He asked the local police station multiple times if he could go visit Isengard, but they all said no immediately. His next pit stop was his teachers, all of whom looked at him as if he was crazy and sent him on his way.

But he had caught Aizawa's attention. That's all that matters because once that man gets thinking about someone he can't stop. A trait that Ekio would play on frequently to get close to what she wants.

Bakugo wants them to know that she is innocent. If she was a villain he would have seen it. Would have seen her slip, would have seen the girl talking to one of them. But she always slept longer than him and took more damage than him, being a smart mouth and taking the fire instead of him.

Distracted the villains so he could get away.

But even with him repeating this to the Hero's every time they ask for his account they won't listen. They want him to drag her. To tell them that she is a villain and that she was in league with them all long. They want nothing more than to think that Ekio is a villain because that's the easy way out, everything is easier than trying to prove her innocence with the evidence provided to them.

Which is exactly what started all this in the first place.

Why Itsuki became a villain in the first place all those years ago, because the Hero's failed him and his family, so he had to take things into his own hands.

"C'mon Bakugo! Let's go eat!" Ashido calls, waving in front of the boy's face.

"Yeah whatever, bastard."


Midoriya carries a pot around for his mum, strong enough to help her move the heavy things around now that he had trained up.

"Ah, thank you my little Izuku!"

His cheeks redden at the old nickname as his mum wanders around the apartment, looking for something else he might need to move for her.

He turns his head as he places the pot down, looking out the window into the courtyard where the buildings meet together. His eyes stare at the room window that meets up at level with his.

No movement has come from the apartment, but some nights he stares out the window as if he wishes that it did. He has heard of the way Bakugo has been acting and has gone out with his friends a couple of times, meeting up with Shoto.

The boy isn't acting very different from his usual self when he is out with them. Staying mostly silent and just wandering around with them. But every time the group meets up again, he looks more and more tired. More worn down in his eyes. No one mentions it, everyone has had a hard time and everyone is struggling with the reality of the situation.

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