[1] Time

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She's been sitting in a cell for two days. No interactions with her family, no conversations with anyone. But sitting and fighting off the medical professionals. She hasn't let a single person come in to heal her, in the fear that they are going to take her to someone.

No matter how many times she goes over the situation in her head, these people work for the Hero's they aren't going to kidnap her and throw her to the Villain's, the moment someone walks through that door, alarm bells go off in her head. She scurried into the corner and resorts to screaming at the top of her lungs until they leave the room.

It doesn't help that she hasn't been sleeping or eating anything that they give her. She can't trust anyone here enough that she can pull her guard down for even a little bit. She has had officials come in multiple times to talk to her and tell her to behave but she just continues to make life hard for them.

"Kiami," a voice comes through the door, "dinner."

The door opens and the guard walks in slowly, not wanting to set the girl off again as he walks in. He places the tray on a chair in the middle of the room before slowly backing out of the room, as if she was a rabid animal he couldn't take his eyes off while in the presence of.

The door slams shut, but Ekio doesn't move towards the door, she stays in her spot in the corner. The loud noise reminds her of the Quirk clashes from her recent fight, her fight when she wanted nothing more than to end the life of her brother. She often reflects on how life would be if her parents hadn't turned up, if she had just been swallowed by her brother Quirk and the world would have eliminated two dangerous Quirk holders.

The world would have been a better place if she hadn't been saved. Her mother's view in the public eye would still be stainless and her father would still be safely hidden within the streets of Tokyo.

But no, here they are, in jail.

Because of her.

She pulls her knees closer to her body, her head tucked into them tightly. She has gotten used to the feeling of her leg, how it burns and cries out to be healed every day. But Ekio isn't going to give into them just yet, not when she can see anyone or anything familiar to her.

He sets her head down on her knees and sighs, the warm air heating up her bare legs. Of course, she is supposed to be in jail attire, white pants and top, but she's already halfway there and she doubts they are going to throw pants over her almost disintegrating leg. They had taken the shirt she had wrapped around her leg long ago when trying to heal her but didn't get any further than that.

The only thing she had excepted from them was one of their white button-up inmate tops, to cover up the black singlet top she had been wandering around her cell in for multiple days. The cold of the night was too much so when the next guard came back to give her food she was standing at the door for the first time, scaring him greatly when he opened the door, as every other time he came she was sitting in the corner.

He brought his gun up and pointed it at her, as it was unusual behaviour for the girl but she expected that to happen so she didn't flinch when he did.

"Can I please have a shirt?"

She had asked him so politely that he just stood in the doorway for a second, unsure whether he should actually get a shirt or not. But seeing how skinny she is and the orders to keep them in the best shape they can for the interview process.

If they are innocent and this kid is almost dead, then the justice system is bound to be sued a whole lot more than they are prepared for. He nodded, closing the door, still holding the lunch tray in the case when he opened the door again she decided to knock him out with the metal tray.

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