"Mhm, and had you had any other contact with one of them before the camp?"

Ekio pauses to think about the question before nodding. "One called Dabi, the morning of the camp."

"How did you meet him?" The investigator starts to believe that he has a chance to prove that the girl is definitely guilty, meaning he can finally move on from this case.

"He was taking a shower in my apartment, most likely on Xian's invitation." Itsuki raises his eyebrows at his daughter.

Xian has invited another villain into Ekio's apartment?

"And did you converse with him?" The investigator runs his tongue over his teeth.

"Yes," Kio nods.

"What happened in that conversation, be as accurate as you possibly can."

"I said– no, I opened the bathroom door to have a shower and he yelled 'Who the fuck are you?' and I replied 'What the fuck are you doing in here?' to which he said 'What am I doing here? I live here. ' When he said that I was confused and said 'I own this house, I pay the fucking rent.' Then Xian appeared and cleared up the confusion, but the League member set me alight." Although what Ekio is saying would be considered funny or humorous in any other situation, the way she says it is in complete seriousness.

Ekio internally cringes as she remembers the scene, how she had been half asleep, much like now, and just wanted to have a quick shower before she had to head off to camp. She had packed everything the night before and made sure everything she needed was ready so she could take a longer shower to wake herself up.

"He set you alight because . . . ?"

'Because I made eye contact with that hideous appendage that swings between his legs.'

"I accidentally looked at his genitalia."

Silence fills the room, all the men staring at the girl. She knew that one day she would have to tell someone about the event, sharing your trauma is better than bottling it up, but she didn't expect it to be to her father and two men whom she considers strangers.

Her father now knows that she has set eyes on a random twenty-two year old dick.

Her father.

"Right so, can you detail to me what happened when you were under their custody?" The question sets off alarm bells in Kio's mind, her body going tense.

Itsuki looks down at her, being able to feel her tense up in his lap.

"Ekio?" He mumbles, his voice rumbling in comparison to the voices of everyone else in the room.

"No," Kio mumbles to the man.

"No, what?" The investigator curses to himself, she had been speaking so well, even relaxing into the questions towards the end, really making him believe that he was going to get everything he needs out of her today.

Instead, they have hit a brick wall.

She shakes her head as the memories flash past her eyes. Her Quirk metre flashes suddenly, making Itsuki reach forward and incase his hands around hers.

"Ekio, come back," he mumbles again, rocking his daughter slightly.

She shakes her head again and leans into him, blinking her eyes.

The investigator sighs. Usually, they would just send people off somewhere they will be persuaded to answer their questions but they can't do that to a young girl, it would be inhumane.

He stands from his seat, motioning to his partner.

"We will be back tomorrow, work on it Kiami." His voice is rough when he talks to the man, unlike the softer voice he had used with the girl.

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