"What? You want me to put two of them in a room together?" He can't believe what he was just told to do.

They have spent many hours making sure that as the family is moved around none of them come into contact with each other as it means they have a chance to scheme and plan with each other. At this point, Ekio is the only one who hasn't given them a statement, which is why they are still so heavily separated.

After they get her statement they will probably still keep all of them away from each other, as they can't trust them.

"If she gets to be with one of her parents, hopefully, she will sleep, meaning that she will be more likely to cooperate, they might convince her to get healed which will get the lawyers off our backs when they see the state of her." The man pulls his glasses off and rubs his eyes roughly with his fingertips, "she might start to eat well as well, ultimately both of her parents have given us statements and if she is aware of that she will give us hers. That way we can finally get this over with."

The investigator starts at him for a moment before nodding and heading out the door. He grabs his identification card out of his pocket and walks up to the desk at the end of the hall. The man looks up from his computer, not expecting to see anyone this late at night.

"Hello?" He asks, leaning back into his chair.

"I want Itsuki Kiami in interrogation six within the hour." He snaps at the man before turning around and leaving.

"Ah, that's against protocol because Ekio Kiami is in the interrogation room–"

"Just do it!"


Ekio's head looks up as the door opens again. She hadn't set off her Quirk so she is surprised to hear the locks opening and the door swinging open. Her father walks into the room by himself, the door being slammed shut and bolted behind him.

"Dad," she mumbles up at him, raising her arms to get up.

"I'm coming," he mumbles, still slightly asleep.

He walks over to the corner she is in and looks down at her, taking in her state. She doesn't look any better than when he last saw her, immediately after her fight with Xian.

"Ekio, why aren't you healed?" He asks, sitting down on the floor in front of her, making the ground shake slightly with his size.

"Because I don't want them to heal me," She mumbles, resting her chin on her knees again. "I don't trust them to heal me."

"You aren't going to get any better if you avoid them," He reaches forward with his cuffs and lifts the girl up, pulling her into his chest and leaning back against the wall.

"I don't want to get any better," she mumbles into his chest, her leg searing. "I'm not going to get any better, we are stuck here."

"Hm," Itsuki replies, watching his daughter leaning against his shoulder, "the Hero's won't fail us this time. They will find a way to do it right."

"I don't think they will, the fact that we are here means they are failing." She mumbles, her voice hoarse from not talking to anyone in days.

"They won't," Itsuki hugs her closer to him. "They may have failed me and my brother, but they won't fail you and Xian."

"What about you?"

"I will most likely be given a life sentence."

Her head snaps up to her father, staring into his golden eyes.

"What?" She hisses.

"I'm a villain, Ekio. They aren't going to let me go." He presses a kiss to her forehead trying to calm her down.

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