Let's Meet In Another Life

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Don't be sad, don't wandering alone, and don't come to look for me. I'll find you.


The smell of blood and fire are so strong, making my nose winch. Just what happened to the world, why would suddenly there's monsters raging all over? Is this really the end of the world?

I walked stealthy trying to avoid any of the monsters, where the hell is Espers in a time like this? Shouldn't they come already? This city will broke and wipe out from map if the monsters didn't get stopped today!

I'm burning in rage, but I know I can't do a thing myself because I'm just a human without any power to defend myself from the monsters. So I wait quietly, trying to find a place to hide from the monsters tonight, before my eyes detected other lifeform from under the debris of building. Looks like they are still alive, wiggling trying their best to move out from the debris.

I run toward him, trying to help him out. As I reached him, I noticed that his legs looks like can not be helped, so I try my best to at least move the debris away so I can help him at least go to inside the nearest cave there.

I dragged him with all my might, and we finally reached the cave. I drop him there and catch my breath, while thinking that he's huge and heavy as hell. Minutes pass by and I finally calmed down, so I looked at his condition.

His legs looks like it twisted in a weird way, so the bone must be broken. I approach him and talked to him, it looks like he is able to hold a conversation, at least.

"Your legs are broken, but at least the rest of your body is functioning normally. Do you have any trouble?" I asked him.

"Hah.... No, aside from my legs and that I'm tired, I think I'm okay." He answered.

His hue blue eyes locked with mine. I gasped internally while looking at a beautiful human in front of me, even though there's a lot of small cut from his body, it didn't hide the beauty of his face at all.

I snapped and use my poker face to hide my thoughts. And I come a bit closer to him, using my shitty healing power that's so weak but at least able to heal any small cuts. He looks surprised, but keep silent as I try healing him.

"Sorry, my power is weak so I can't help you with your legs." I said while looking at his legs.

"It's fine, at least the stings from all over my body is gone thanks to you." He said trying to assure me.

We chatted in the cave, waiting for the sun to go down and sleep. The man, Harry said that he is an Esper who come to this city to take care of the monster. He has his group, but suddenly there's an unranked monster come and destroying everything in front of it.

Harry said that all of his group was dead, and he's the only one who's barely hanging on when that monster suddenly vanished like it's already finished it job of destroying everything. When he tried to go to this cave and get a rest, a building is suddenly broken and crush his lower half, making him trapped under the debris for days until he finally saved by me.

The sun finally go down, the monster will soon fall asleep. And finally Harry and I can sleep a peaceful night after a long time wandering. We slept inside that cave for a night, until the next day come to greet us.


"Isn't it tiring always using your power?" I asked him curiously.

"Well there's no way that you will dragged me everytime we need to move, no?" He answered playfully.

"True, you're heavy as hell." I said.

"No, you're the one who's weak." He counterattacked.

It's been three months since the first time I met Harry. We try to go to his esper agency to find any healer that can helped him regain his legs. But luck was not on his side, when we finally come to the agency, the building already crushed to earth and there's a lot of corpses flattened there.

Harry x MC {The Ssum: Forbidden Lab}Where stories live. Discover now