the end

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Yup, the title pretty much says it all.

Welcome to the final chapter of this oneshot book.

I will never be able to put in words how grateful I am for every single person who has ever tapped, read, voted, commented or added this book to their reading list. I could have only dreamed of getting this much traction and I am undeniably enthused that I got this opportunity, this platform to share these stories with.

Nowadays, I feel I've grown out of oneshots about Miya. I wasn't really all that obsessed with him and for most of this book, I was just writing stories I wanted to share and Miya was just the character name I inserted into this book. Of course, I did all the lines and oneshots to his personality and for the target audience of this book, but it was more the storytelling part I enjoyed rather than indulging in Miya content.

I've just gotten older (rest assured, I was 13-14 while writing this book and still a minor now, nowhere close to 18 or above) and it just felt weird to continue writing this, even if I wasn't really attracted to him.

Who knows, if sk8 gets more seasons and Miya is aged up, I might come back to this!

But that's only a slight chance.

Thank you so much to every single one of you. I absolutely LOVED writing this, it brought me so much joy to see that little orange circle above my profile picture every day and interacting with you all and reading all the funny comments.

Here are some special mentions, the people who have endlessly showered me with support and brought me to where I am today with this book:






If there's one last thing I had to share with you all, it would be to be kind and, seriously, go and live your damn life. Do what makes you happy, take care of yourself, join that club, do that sport, get that cute t-shirt, read more, talk to that person, take that shot, miss a couple shots and try again.




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