it was dark when wooyoung heard a knock on his door. the sound had distracted him from counting the amount of times his leg pulsed in pain in a minute. he figured he was doing a pretty bad job at it though, he knew he wasn't focusing for a full minute straight anyway.

wooyoung's eyes drifted to the door sluggishly. he made no attempt at getting up, but he did definitely feel his heart skip a beat.

was san home from the hospital already?

suddenly wooyoung felt a rush of thoughts cluttering his mind: what was he going to tell san? was he even ready to see him? half of him felt like kicking him out before he even stepped inside. screaming at him about how stupid he was to trust him. grabbing all his things and throwing them out the window with all the sass and attitude to top it off. but the other half of him wanted to give him a chance to explain himself. to admit to him that he needed him. to fulfill minji's last wishes.

the doorknob moved, and wooyoung finally realized that he never even locked it in the first place. he watched the door open cautiously, and a shadow step inside.

the lights turned on, and wooyoung met eyes with his best friend.

".. you look awful." yeosang commented, though he had seen this wooyoung before. he was always there to help him get better, and he was here to do that now.

wooyoung tried to hide his disappointment. he should've known though —- there was no way for san to be released this early with the injuries he sustained. he didn't even know why he was wanting san to show up. the two looked at each other, knowing what this situation was about just by doing that.

he managed a smile at the sarcasm in yeosang's voice. although it caused really ugly fights between them recently, he really missed it. yeosang gently sat the younger up and hugged him before anything else. wooyoung fell into his arms and struggled to keep his tears in.

"i'm so sorry..." wooyoung lowered his head apologetically and threw all of his pride away. he knew when to accept he was wrong, and right now his best friend was the only source of comfort he had right now. "yeosang-"

"don't," yeosang lifted wooyoung's head and gave him a small smile. "it's okay... it's not about me right now, anyway." the older's eyes held longing in them, and wooyoung finally felt he had his best friend back, fully this time.

wooyoung must've winced or made some sort of other face in discomfort, because yeosang looked at him in concern, "what's wrong?" the younger looked down at his leg wordlessly and yeosang followed his gaze. he saw how swollen and purple wooyoung's ankle looked, and how the discoloration seemed to be going further up his leg. yeosang bent down to touch his injury and felt it burning hot. the older clicked his tongue, but his expression showed worry, "woo.. what did you do?"

wooyoung shrugged. he didn't feel like explaining to his best friend that he threw himself off a bridge and spent the night and the morning afterwards laying on a dirty shore. yeosang would probably scream at him about how dangerous that was, and although it was out of love, he didn't need that right now. yeosang looked at him for another moment, and it was silently agreed upon them that they would talk about it later.

"ice packs and elevating your leg is not gonna help this," yeosang sighed. "we need to go to the hospital," he turned around and bent down in front of wooyoung. "hop on."

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