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This isn't that important, I made it to help people better understand Sora, and if anyone is interested in reading this go ahead. It is long and might be boring to some. I didn't intend to make it this long but as I was typing I just got lost in time and the next I know I typed over 1,500 words. For anyone who might want to find their own MBTI Type, I would recommend using either 16personalities.com or truity.com

For some people, the MBTI Types can be a bit confusing so I just wanted to go a little further into it and what Sora's type is and what it means. MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  This is a tool that is frequently used to help individuals understand their own communication preferences and how they interact with others.

The MBTI Types started from a woman named Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. Briggs was inspired to research personality type theory when she met her daughter's future husband, Clarence Myers, who she noticed had a different way of seeing the world. 

 Carl G Jung published Psychological Types in 1921. Briggs read the English translation (1923) and saw similarities between their ideas. However, Jung's theories of personal differences were much more developed. Briggs and Myers thought Jung's work was so useful that they wanted to make his ideas accessible to a wider audience.

World War II was a huge influence on the project's development. Myers believed that if people understood each other better, they'd work together better and there'd be less conflict. She was determined to find a way to give people access to their psychological type. This led to the idea of a type indicator, and Myers dedicated the rest of her life to its development. She spent the next 20 years developing questions and validating the instrument and the theory. The MBTI instrument was first published in 1962.

The Myers-Briggs Company (formerly CPP, Inc.) has published, researched, and updated the MBTI instrument since 1975. It has trained practitioners since 1989. Today, The Myers-Briggs Company continues to follow Myers' guiding principle: that understanding personality and differences can change the world for the better.

There are 16 different personality types all mixed from 4 categories. 

The first category is introversion/Extraversion. 
- Introverts direct their energy inwards toward their inner, subjective world. They get their motivation from having time to themselves, and their batteries drain quickly when they are with other people even if they are enjoying the company. Introverts tend to have fewer friends and acquaintances and find it harder to meet new people.
- Extraverts direct their energy to the outer world, towards people and things. They get their motivation from interactions with others, and their batteries drain quickly when they are alone. Extraverts typically have a large circle of acquaintances and are interested in what happens around them. 

The second category is Sensing/intuition
Sensors pay attention to their most immediate impressions; the "raw data" that they can see, hear and touch. They create meaning out of concrete information and rely heavily on past experiences to guide their future behavior. 
Intuitives pay attention to their intuition, instinct, and ability to draw meaning from seemingly disconnected facts. They are good at reading between the lines and recognizing connections between random groups of facts.

The third category is Thinking/Feeling
Thinkers make decisions rationally based on facts and objective criteria, and use logical analysis to solve problems. They like to have very clear rules about what is right and what is wrong and dislike fuzziness. 
Feelers make decisions based on their personal value system and social considerations. They pay attention to their own moral compass and the feelings of others to determine right from wrong and are less interested in the cold, hard facts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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