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"Crack shootin' Danny!"

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"Crack shootin' Danny!"

"Crack shootin' Rafe!"

Their boastful praises sung out from the front of the barn. Finally, my search was over. With a celebratory grin brightly carved over my lips, I quietly slipped through a side door. Certain to remain hidden from their eyes.

Squatting down within a stall that contained our family's milking cow. I spied on the two boys as they played in the decrepit biplane on the other side, the one that our great-great grandfather had retired all those many years ago.

Of course my list of chores for the day had yet to be finished, but as my older brother Rafe neglected his own; I felt it was only fair.

"Home of the free!" My brother shouted as he pretended to fly the old rust bucket high in enemies skies somewhere overseas.

"Land of the brave!" Danny, the bashful chimed in from the back of the plane while handling their makeshift gun. It was far from being real, held together by rope and useless wood. But in their eyes, it was perfect in every way a child's mind could believe.

Chuckling into one of my first at the sight, I decided to climb further out from the stall so I could get a better view of these two knuckleheads.


A startled Betsy who had been chewing on some straw mumbled loudly into the silence.
Squinting my eyes closed as her loud snorts filled the room, and saying a prayer that my position had not been given away.

Imagining how furious Rafe will be if he found me gawking at the two of them and not tending to the chicken coop, collecting todays fresh eggs.
"Germans! Two o'clock!" Danny raved and bounced around in his seat. Jerking the fake gun into the direction of which Betsy had moo'd.
Trying to scurry into the nearest shadow before
Danny could catch the movement from the corner of his eyes, but when discovering my failed attempt, we locked onto each other's face.
Plastered in a begging plea with the blink of my baby blues, Rafe's best friend let a devious smirk stretch over his face.

Oh just great...

Flipping his long dirty locks of brown hair from his eyes, Danny let out a innocent laugh. One that seemed to always warm the pits of my heart.
"Ah, it's not germans. Just a sunkist curly headed sneak." He says to Rafe while his smile widens back at me.

"A what?" Rafe says while standing up and looking over his friends shoulder to inspect what Danny had discovered.

My older brother's stare turned straight to daggers as he stabbed me viciously with every blink. I couldnt really tell whether it was the old dust rustling around in this old barns air, or if it was Rafe spilling steam out from his ear from rage.

"Amelia! What do you think you are doing!?
Aren't you supposed to be getting eggs?"
Walking out from the shadows while dusting the old barns dust from the pale blue dress I wore. Not cowering before him, I mocked his stern glare while crossing my arms over my chest.

Amongst The BraveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora