Feeling satisfied and a little stronger he finished off the rest of the aphids and gained an extra 7 exp. The little spider spent most of it's day hunting aphids and when the sun was setting it wrapped 5 five aphids in string and crawled back to it's cocoon.

Inside the cocoon Ray checked his status

Name : Ray
Species name : poison fur white spider♂️
Level : 3
Health : 570
Energy : 120
EXP : 17/100
Strength : 80
Agility :40
Stamina : 95
Rank : magical beasts
Affinity : poison/water (locked)
Beast skill : keen eyes,bite, accelerate, poison arts(Lv1),string arts (Lv1)

Ray observed his stats and was satisfied by the outcome and fell in a  fitful of sleep. The peace did not last long though cause the little spider woke up abruptly and was on guard. It sensed an uninvited guest in it's nest so it quickly left it's cocoon and a few meters away from it's spot there was a purple spider .
The two spiders moved closer to each other and Ray noted that he could see well in the dark "must be benefits of being a spider",he thought to himself.

The two spiders stopped a few meters away from each other and the purple spider hissed,Ray did not understand what it was saying but he did not have to for he recognized the spider to be the one he saw first when he regained consciousness. It must have been the previous owner of the nest,the white spider released a threatening low hiss of it's own "I'm not moving from here so scram!" Ray thought . This spider was challenging him for the territory of the is what he knew.

On a large tree branch two spiders circled each preparing for battle. Ray muttered 'keen eyes' and observed opponent's stats

Species name : purple poisonous spider♂️
Level : 8
Health : 890
Rank : mortal beast
Affinity : poison
Strength : 150
Agility : 120

The opponent was stronger than himself but he did  not waver as he knew if he wanted to get stronger he must take risks. Suddenly the opponent charged at him and at greater speed than himself, he was unable to dodge. The white spider was knocked to the edge of the branch,the purple spider did not give a chance of recovery and charged again however the white spider was ready and shot a ball of sting at the opponent. The purple spider was hit and tumbled on the floor but with the speed it was moving it rolled and knocked on the white spider and both spider fell from the branch.

The white spider shot a ball of string towards the branch but the string did not reach so both spider crashed to the forest floor from a great height and were both badly injured. In the corner of Ray's vision he saw status of his health, energy and stamina points

Health : 170
Energy : 120
Stamina : 65

He quickly observed his opponent's stats

Health : 302

He got up and was feeling pain but it was not much thanks to his pain resistance skill. The purple spider also got to it's feet and charged at him again but this time when it got close to the white spider it raised it two front sharp legs and slashed causing damage(slash). The white spider retreated backwards and while it was doing so the purple spider shot a purple ball towards him ( poison shot) and was hit. Unexpectedly Ray did not receive damage since he also had an affinity to poison and also had the poison resistance skill. Ray checked his health and found it reduced to 162 from the slash .

It seemed the purple spider was experienced in battle as it again did not waste time and charged at Ray again. The white spider used string shot at it but it dodged and continued it's attack,the white spider used string shot again to a nearby tree and once it stuck , pulled itself to be above the purple spider, dropped and landed on top of the purple spider. The white spider used this chance and delivered multiple 'bites' to the purple spider. This went on for a long while until the purple spider's health dropped to zero.

Ray's mouth was filled with the purple spider's purple blood and had no choice but to swallow it ,he suddenly felt that he loved the taste so went on to suck the purple spider clean. Done with feeding he sheltered under a large leaved small plant and a 'ping' suddenly rang in his mind and he was shrouded by light blue light and his injuries healed rapidly until he was back in tip top shape. His status table appeared in front of him and he observed the changes.

Name : Ray
Species name : poison fur white spider♂️
Level : 6
Health : 770
Energy : 250
EXP : 670/1000
Strength : 160
Agility :100
Stamina : 190
Rank : magical beasts
Affinity : poison(Lv3)/water (locked)
Beast skill : keen eyes,bite, accelerate, poison arts(Lv2),string arts (Lv2)

New skill
Poison arts: poison gas(beast spouts poisoned gas to an area of effect)

Ray was so excited that he actually learned a new skill and that his level went up.Ray jumped up and down but felt tired after a while,so he looked up his tree and muttered 'acceleration' in his mind . His body was then covered in a faint light and he moved at great speed leaving a faint mist of light in his wake, the white spider climbed up the massive towering tree in less than fifteen seconds to it's coccoon where it immediately fell asleep.

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