BFDI Double Feature #2! (Eps. 18 and 19)

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But her eyes remained open. "Oh, you're a sneaky one," she muttered, thoroughly irritated. "I'll have to keep an eye on you."

Teardrop smiled devilishly and stuck her tongue out. Pencil simply gritted her teeth and set her gaze, not returning the smile. No more fooling around.


"Pencil wins."

The woodsicle let out a sigh of relief, careful to not make it very obvious. After all these years, she still had it in her to out-stare anyone who dared challenge her.

But there was still one opponent to take down. As Teardrop (who was clearly a little miffed) hopped off the ring to let Bubble and David have their match, Pencil began to do some quick calculations in her head. Firey and Spongy are stuck in the danger zone no matter what. Bubble's going to have 40 points to her name when she loses, and the second place prize is 30 points, so whoever places second is going up for elimination. A small chill ran down her graphite spine. That means I have to win this whole contest *again* if I want to survive.

Her rational side said that she'd be fine. After all, nobody could out-stare the mighty Pencil! If she'd done this once before, who's to say that she couldn't win again? Plus, the match against Teardrop had taken some considerable time, which meant less time until sunrise.

However, her paranoid side (who's voice had grown considerably louder after Needle played her hand) supplied her with unhelpful thoughts. What if I blink this time? What if I get eliminated because of the same contest twice? What if I screw up my second chance at winning Dream Island?

The match between Bubble and David had already concluded. Pencil tried her best to shake off her negative feelings as she pulled herself into the ring, mostly ready to face David once more.

But the doubts still lingered.

Fortunately, they wouldn't linger for long.


BFDI 19: Re-rescission

July 1st, 2011

"Every point you currently have is traded for one teddy bear."

The seven remaining contestants suddenly found themselves buried by a plethora of stuffed animals (except Spongy, who only had five points previously).

"...but reaching the final seven also means a new stage in the game. Which is no more points."

"The nineteenth contest is a unicycle race

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"The nineteenth contest is a unicycle race. The first three people to finish the course will receive immunity. The rest will be up for elimination. Go."

With barely any warning, Pencil was deposited onto a unicycle and immediately fell over. The fact that everyone else also seemed to be struggling gave her a little satisfaction.

As she righted her unicycle and tried again, she remembered that she'd have to be a little more careful from now on. Not just while riding a precariously-balanced, one-wheeled contraption (although she had no practice with that, either) — everything that happened now was almost completely new to Pencil. Sure, Bubble had told her what all the remaining contests were in the past (future?), but Pencil hadn't actually experienced them for herself. She didn't know the details. And that's what worried her.

What's more, there was still Needle to worry about (and possibly Teardrop, simply because she seemed to be a challenge beast at times).

There was no time to dwell on that, though. Leafy had already managed to start plummeting down a ridiculously tall cliff face, but everyone else seemed to be getting the hang of their unicycles. Pencil quickly (but carefully) wobbled over to Bubble and shouted, "Come on, Bubs! We gotta make it before the others do!"

"Roight!" They began their descent down a slope that probably wasn't actually very steep, but any incline on a unicycle seemed steeper than it was.

Pencil exhaled when the ground flattened out, only to lose the rest of her breath in her lungs when she toppled into a deviously-placed pit. Bubble tumbled next to her, somehow managing to avoid getting popped. "Ow," wheezed the woodsicle once her breath returned. "Why... why didn't you... tell me about that... before?"

"How was Oi supposed to know??"

"That's not what I-"

She stopped as a loud CRASH came from above them, followed by an all-too-familiar screaming. Spongy landed face-first just ahead, nearly squashing the two girls, and Firey bounced off him only to hit the pit's opposite wall. "Ha, ha. What a failure!" the Announcer taunted.

Bubble pulled Pencil to her feet just as Needle zoomed past. She landed atop Spongy, but unlike Firey, she soared gracefully into the air and actually cleared the pit entirely, crossing the finish line with a flourish. "What!" exclaimed Pencil in disbelief.

"Needle, you finished first, so you get immunity," congratulated the Announcer. Needle claimed her immunity ticket with obvious glee.

"Grr!!" Now annoyed, Pencil leapt back onto her unicycle and pulled Bubble towards the end of the pit. They grabbed the top of the wall at the same time Firey did, and it immediately became crowded. "Watch it, Firey! You're gonna kill us!"

"Worth it if I can get immunity!"

Pencil turned to make a scathing remark and something caught her eye. She kept turning to see Teardrop racing towards them atop her own cycle, wearing a devilish grin. She realized that TD was about to attempt the same thing Needle had done — use Spongy as a bouncing pad. If that succeeded, then either Pencil or Bubble wouldn't be able to get immunity.


An idea struck her. But before she had any time to consider whether it would actually work or not, TD reached the pit and hit Spongy like a bullet. Pencil reacted without thinking. As the droplet flew past — inches away from Pencil's face — the writing utensil reached up and grabbed Teardrop's unicycle by the wheel, before yanking her towards Firey as hard as she could. TD slammed into him and he screamed, the collision of fire and water killing them both. "Teardrop!!" cried Needle in distress.

Pencil didn't waste any more time. She hauled herself up across the finish line, then reached back and pulled a stunned Bubble over to her as well. "In an impressive display of elements, Pencil and Bubble manage to score the last immunities for this contest," came the usual monotone commentary. "Would you two like to see a magic trick?"

"Only if that trick is bringing Teardrop back!" complained Needle.

"Then you're in luck." With a poof, Leafy, Spongy, Teardrop, and Firey reappeared next to the host. "Needle, since you finished first, you get another reward. You get to choose a fourth person to have—"


"Well okay then. So that leaves Firey, Leafy, and Spongy up for elimination."

Pencil closed her eyes and decided to take a nap. Teardrop had been heavier than she'd expected.

never making another fucking scoreboard again lmao

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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