BFDI 6: Power of (Dividing by) Two

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June 1st, 2010

"Hello, FreeSmart. Looks like your long winning streak is finally over."

Pencil narrowed her eyes at the Announcer, still a little salty about what happened last episode. She and the nine other FreeSmarters were sitting at the Cake At Stake area, in a rough circle around the host. "Ha, ha. Don't taunt us."

"Shush. I can taunt you all I like. Anyway, welcome to your first elimination. Do you all know the rules?"

"Just get on with it!" Firey complained.

"Fine, I'll tell you the abbreviated version. If you get no cake, you leave BFDI. But the cake was too expensive, so I got nine cupcakes instead." As he spoke, the previously mentioned confectionary prizes fell from the sky and landed next to him. "We got 13 votes; that's one fewer than last time. It's the first time it's ever gone down... I want to cry now. I really do."

Match harrumphed. "Yeah, I don't, like, think so."

The Announcer turned to her. "Match, you and four others on your team each have at least one Win Token. Would any of you like to use one?"

She considered it, but eventually shook her head. Firey and Bubble followed suit.

"I will." Pencil tossed one of her tokens over to the host. Just in case.

"I will, too!"

Everyone glanced over at the loud-mouthed Flower, who had just spoken. Several of them had been hoping that she'd get the boot, but that was unlikely now. She met the blank stares with another blank stare. "What?"

"Alright, then." Announcer snatched up Flower's token and placed it next to Pencil's. "Only two of you got zero votes. Firey."

"THANK you! I needed to hear that!"

"You're not one of them."

"Oh my gosh! No fair!"

"Haha, just kidding. Here's your cupcake."

The cupcake hit him in the face, knocking him over. Pencil chuckled a little at this; she found the Announcer juking out Firey just as funny as the first time. "Teardrop is the other person with no votes," the speaker continued. Teardrop gave a thumbs up as she caught her treat. "Bubble, Match, and Coiny, you all got one vote apiece."

"A piece?" questioned Match. "A PIECE? You know..."

Pencil smiled and rolled her eyes at Match's 'apiece' ramble, which fortunately didn't last as long as it originally had. "The next ones safe," Announcer continued, "are Rocky and Pencil at two votes each. Although Pencil technically now has one vote after using her Win Token."

A wave of relief washed over the woodsicle as she snatched her cupcake and bit into it. She began to tune out the rest of the elimination; she and her alliance were all good, so there was no more need to pay attention.

Swallowing the final crumbs a minute after, she crumpled her wrapper and looked up just in time to see Snowball get flung away by the Announcer. That makes sense. A shame Flower didn't go, but good riddance nonetheless. Win Tokens are really powerful.

She realized she probably wasted a Win Token of her own; through all her anxiety, she failed to remember how long it took in the original BFDI for her to get any votes whatsoever. Better safe than sorry, though...

 Better safe than sorry, though

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