Chapter 83: The Farewell and Reflection

Start from the beginning

After that, Hades wants to talk and tell something to his daughter. That's why, he called her name and said...

"Marielle, my daughter. Can I talk to you?"

Marielle just looked at Hades and remembered how her father sacrifices himself to protect her. Hermes looked at Marielle and nod his head, as a sign that she must listen and give her father a chance. So, Marielle went in front of him, then Hades started to speak to his daughter...

"My daughter, I want to apologize from what I have done to you and your mother."

But Marielle replied and said...

"I will forgive you but will never forget about what you have done. Still, I appreciate and thankful for protecting me earlier from that dragon. Because if not, then maybe I am finished right now."

Hades smiled and understood that Marielle will never forget what he has done. But still, he was pleasured for his daughter already forgives him. That time, Hades again offered her something...

"My daughter, I want to pay for all the mistakes that I have done to you. So, I offered you to come with me and be the princess of the underworld. You will have a power over the dead and will give you an immortality. But still, your choice is a must."

Marielle looked at Williams and smiled. It is only herself who must decide about her life. Then, Marielle already decided and told Hades, her father...

"I want to live in a normal life as a mortal. My grandma is waiting for me right now, and since I already met my mom, I want to live with her peacefully."

Hades smiled and respected his daughter's decision. That's why he replied to his daughter...

"I understand, my daughter. If that what makes you happy, then I will respect it. I will guide you always and will help you if you need me."

"Thank you, father." Marielle smiled and replied.

That time, Marielle started to call Hades as her father. But she's not that close to him. Still, Marielle and Hades embraced each other. The god of the underworld was pleasured as he felt that warm embrace of his daughter. It is such a good feeling as a father, and that is what Hades felt right now.

Then, it's about time to leave the underworld and return to the Earth. Marielle and Williams went near the Olympians, then Athena and Hermes touched them in their hands. Hades watched them until they were disappeared and returned to the land.

After that, the Olympians, with Williams and Marielle, arrived and appeared in the seashore where Stella lives. Then, inside her old house, Stella felt that someone was arrived in just front of her house. She believed that the Olympians successfully regained their immortality and power. Therefore, she immediately went outside her house to see it. There, she saw the Olympian gods and goddesses returned with their power and glory. She also saw her daughter and brother as well with them. Stella was delighted as she finds out that all of them are fine and successfully retrieved their power.

Stella approached them and embraced Marielle, for she was relieved as her daughter was safe and alive.

"You made it, my daughter." Stella told Marielle.

"Yes, we did it, mom." Marielle replied.

Then, Marielle told her mother about how Hades protected her against the dragon and how she fights that beast. And most of all, the Olympian's immortality was recovered, then they defeated and killed the dragon. Stella was amazed from her daughter's bravery when she fought that dragon.

But it's about time, that the Olympians will return to the Olympus. So, Zeus told to Marielle, Stella, and Williams...

"Mortals, again, with all of our hearts, we thank you for the help you gave us "

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