Chapter 63: The Help of Demeter VI

Start from the beginning

"Why, my son? Did you know the reason why Johnny decided it for his daughter just like that?"

Then, all of us find out what happened and all of the reason about everything. Charles told us, that Jane was planned to be married to Johnny's business partner. All of it was planned, and Jane was tried to refuse and fight for her love for Charles. But Johnny is such an arrogant and ruthless man, he was enraged to Jane as she didn't agree to this marriage. Instead, this Johnny who called as the father of Jane, threatened his daughter. If she refused the marriage, he's going to bring chaos and destroy the farm of Neal. Jane can't do everything but to accept the marriage to protect Charles and Neal from that chaos and threat that will come upon them. And that was the reason why Jane broke up with him.

Neal was angered from Johnny's disgusting decision for his daughter. Johnny is even willing to kill or injure someone to manipulate his daughter and to get everything he wanted. Neal can't accept it and can't stand it anymore. So, he already planned to do something for this Johnny's rudeness...

"That's it! I must do something to that damn Johnny!"

But Charles stopped his father. For he already decided to let Jane go, and he don't want any trouble that will happen. So, he told his father...

"No, dad! For the sake of peace, we already decided that it should be happen. Please, don't do everything for the sake of this farm, and for me as well."

Then, I decided to go near them to help Neal to comfort his son. I agreed to what Charles told him, so, I tell Neal...

"He's right, Neal. If you do something to Johnny, then everything will become worse."

Neal realized that what his son said is right. So, he tried to calm himself until his anger was vanished. As a father, Neal was guilty for he can't do everything for his son right now. I understand him, for he is a father, but that is the best thing to do.

I looked at Charles and I felt pity for him. I want to do something for Charles, so, I called his name and tell him...

"Charles, listen to me."

Then, I kneeled in front of him and hold his hands. We looked at each other from eye to eye, and he felt some comfort that time. I will try my best to heal his broken heart, so, I told him this...

"Charles, if I am only still a goddess, then maybe, I already helped you in this problem you are facing. But I am so guilty that I can't to everything this time. Just like your father said, life is not always about happiness, sometimes, sadness, failures, and disappointment came to your life. I know your mother will be in grieve if she saw you like that. This time, there's nothing that I can help you, but only this; Since your mother is not here by your side, from now on, I will stand as your mother. I know you never felt how it feels like to have a mother but let me feel you what it feels like. So, I hope you will not resist, Charles."

After I told him that, those words hit his heart. He can't control his emotion that time, so, his tears were burst and embraced me tightly. I was moved as he did that, then, Charles thanked me...

"Thank you, goddess Demeter!"

"Don't call me Demeter, but mom. I am already your mother, right?"

Neal was glad from what I have told to his son. He was so happy for Charles, so he smiled and deep inside, he wants to thank me for everything that I did not just in his farm, but also for his son. It was indeed such a good feeling when someone helped you, but it is better if you helped someone in need. That's what I exactly I felt that time, my heart felt some warm when I saw everyone was glad from the help that I gave them. Finally, Charles will know what it feels like to have a mother, and I promise that I will never fail him.

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