"Why can't you just choose someone. Seriously Adrianna I'm head over heels for you - The whole gang is and all you say is that your not pretty or that Sherri's prettier then you." He said looking me in my eyes a little bit hurt.

"You like me?" Was the only thing I was able to get out.

"Yes!" He sighed. "I've liked you for years!" He said frustrated while standing up.

"I-." Where the only words stuttered that could come out of my mouth.

"I think it's bout time I leave." He said while giving me one last glare then walking out the door while I sat there with my mouth open.


I woke up in the morning with a cold breeze on top of my pounding head-ache.

I had no idea what happened last night so I just assumed I had got into a party and got drunk.

I walked down-stairs in shorts and a tank-top and Brad looked at me like I was crazy.

"Where going to the Curtis house." He said grabbing his keys and making his way towards the door.


I walked through the door and all of them looked at me like creeps. "Never seen a girl?" I asked taking a seat at the table.

"Never seen one like you." Dallas said biting his lip and smirking while pony-boy elbowed him.

"Stay in your own age group bud." Steve said lighting up a cigarette while everyone, everyone besides Johnny laughed.

Johnny remembered last night but Adrianna was clue-less. Johnny felt angry and sad but for some reason he was embarrassed.

"Where gonna hang with cherry today, Wanna come?" Pony-boy asked Adrianna while Johnny knew this would make her upset.

"Nah, I'm to busy with homework." Adrinna lied.

"Guys I think we should stay away from them girls. Bob was trying to beat me up the other day and he had a knife." Johhny said scared to think about even it.

"Fuck the socs." Steve chimed in while everyone agreed.

Adrinna and Two-bit where sitting in the living room watching tv while the boys where in the other room smoking cigarette's and playing truth or dare.

"Truth or dare dally?" Darry asked.

"Fuck it, Dare." Dallas said, shrugging.

"I dare you to do something you've always wanted to do." Darry responded knowing this was gonna be a fun time.

Dallas glared at Johnny with a smirk then got up and went towards the living room with the gang following behind.

"Adrianna." Dallas said hovering over her.

"What?" She said Turing her head to look at him.

"This is what." He said pulling her into a one- sided kiss. Adrianna pushed him off her as fast as she could. "Dally it's not the time right now." She said looking away while he just wiped his lips off.

"Bucks having a party guy's, Get ready by 7:00." Two-bit said ignoring what had just happened.


I threw on a groovy patterned long-sleeve mini dress and white high boots and a white thick headband and walked into the living room.

Darry whistled while all the others smirked. "I know I look good Jesus." I said shoving them to the front door with that contagious smirk on my face.


As soon the gang stepped foot into the party everyone got separated.

I pushed my way through the crowd with all kinds of people groping me, I didn't mind though. I loved being the center of attention.

I had finally made my way to the kitchen feeling de-hydrated so I grabbed some punch.


I was feeling confident as ever, dancing in the crowd when I felt a pair of cold hands grab me from behind.

"Hey gorgeous." The cold and faceless man spoke.

"Hey handsome." I said grinding on him while he grinded back.

"How old are you?" He asked moving his hand down to my thigh when I suddenly turned around to face a man in his 20's, he was handsome with a sharp jaw and piercing green eye's.

"I'm 17." I lied biting my lip and looking at his.

"Even better." He said grabbing my wrist and taking me to his car.


He leaned his head back and let out a big moan while I whipped off my lips. I didn't know what I was doing and everything seemed like a blackout.

"2 dollars?" He asked holding the money out while I just grabbed it and tried to make my way out of the vehicle.

"Hey won't you stay a little longer? He said begging while grabbing my wrist.

"I have to go! Jesus Christ." I yelled jumping out of his car to find the others.


I found all of the gang on bucks porch smoking and looking pissed at me.

"Where were you? We've been waiting for years now." Soda-pop said knowing that I had done something wrong.

"I was hanging out with a old friend get off me." I said with the mascara down my eyes glowing as I forced my way into the car.

I was sitting in the middle of Johhny and Pony-boy and they where looking at me as if they knew what I did.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that." I said a little embarrassed.

"Who was that guy you got into the car with and what did you do with him?" Johnny suddenly flipped.

"I already told you it was a old friend!" I sighed.

"Seriously why can't you guys trust me with anything!" I yelled looking at Johnny.

"Don't act dumb." He said tilting his slightly head "I saw what you did Adrianna".

"What did she do?" Steve asked from upfront while My heart raced.

"I - I didn't do anything- I don't even know what your talking about Johhny." I said scared for my life.

"Tell them or I'll tell them Adrianna." Johnny said putting me on the spotlight.

"I went to his car and he kissed me and I - I kissed him back , THATS ALL." I said glaring at him while he just agreed, he agreed but he saw the whole thing of what really happened.

"Jesus Johnny you made it seem like they did the devils tango or something." Two-bit said laughing a little while Johnny stayed quiet.


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