8|hufflepuff vs. gryffindor

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chapter eight:

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chapter eight:

h u f f le p u f f v s. g r y f f i n d o r

"I remember school-crushes. James was always pining after Lily."

"Okay, Remus! I get it—you're like old—but hello we're talking about my borderline shitty boyfriend!"

"Your attitude makes me want to throw you out that window."

"Yeah, but I'm your favorite student—and witch—so, that's illegal."

"I'll tell Dumbledore it was an accident."

"Severus would be on your arse."

Lorelei was sitting on Professor Remus Lupin's desk swinging her legs back and forth. Remus was standing in front of her messing with a sample of a mermaid tail.

His third-year class was about to study all about the species of the mer-people. Specifically the ones that lived in the Black Lake. She hoped the third-year Slytherins would succeed. They saw the mer-people in the big glass underwater windows every single day.

But knowing who was in that class, she knew it was doubtful. Hopefully Blaise or Draco could pull through and make Lorelei proud.

Remus had just finished his last cycle of the full moon and he was back to teaching after being in the hospital wing regaining strength. He had said that the wolfsbane Severus gave him was helping. Lorelei didn't have to ask to know Severus hated making a helpful potion for one of his "bullies" in Hogwarts.

"How was Snape teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"He went on and on about lycans and their dangers. I think he was trying to make a jab at you, while you weren't here."

"Severus never particularly liked me or my friends."

"Unfortunate, but I don't think you have to worry about any of the students picking up your conditions. Probably, only Hermione Granger. Smartest kid I've met in a while."

"She reminds me of you, sometimes." Remus shrugged. "At least book smart and wanting to be the top of your class. You have different reasons than her, but it's still there."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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