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chapter 1:

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chapter 1:

w o l f s b a n e

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, Remus, you're almost out of wolfsbane! Why didn't you tell me?" She concluded with an unneeded shout, with Remus' werewolf hearing and all.

"Now," The newly-made professor stepped into the doorframe, "Would your mother approve of those words?"

The teenager spun around, with hands-on hips, and a classic Slytherin smirk. "No, she would not, but I also don't fucking care."

"Lorelei, if you return home saying these words, your parents will think I've been a bad influence on you." Remus huffed, pieces of his dark brown hair falling over his eyes.

"Doubt it. They'll think it's the Slytherin in me." The brunette chuckled slightly to her own joke.

Lorelei Aurora Vespertine daughter of Miley and Lawrence Vespertine. Lorelei was from a family of purebloods and Ravenclaws. There has not been an instance that someone in their family tree would be sorted into Slytherin. Well, that was until Lorelei was placed under the Sorting Hat. Lorelei, heir of Ravenclaw, placed into Slytherin brought a shock to her letter back to her parents. Surprisingly, they didn't mind, but the people that did mind were the Ravenclaws themselves. They brought it upon themselves to bully young Lorelei that she wasn't smart enough to be the heir of Rowena Ravenclaw and she was going to turn out evil.

Bullocks! Lorelei was sure if she was sorted into Gryffindor, they would praise her for her bravery, and if Hufflepuff, she would be praised for her kindness towards others. Lorelei saw Slytherin as a misunderstood house that has been labeled as the 'Dark House.' If that's what they wanted them to be, Slytherin was determined to prove to them they can be darker than their worst nightmares.

As of current, Lorelei Vespertine had been staying the last few weeks with Remus Lupin, one of her closest friends. She had been here to work on dueling, and she made wolfsbane that she gave to Remus the week before the full moon. Remus was grateful for this, but also wary since she was so young and could get hurt by his werewolf form. Lorelei didn't care as she watched him at night, reading her books in the moonlight while Remus' wolf form slept the night away, but the nights that the potion wasn't taken properly the week before, Remus forced her to stay in the house.

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