2|meet the slytherins

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chapter 2:

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chapter 2:

m e e t   t h e   s l y t h e r i n s

THE DAYS OF July bled into early August. Lorelei spent most of the past few days whipping a batch of wolfsbane for Remus up.

After packaging the potion and sending it off with her owl, Hermes, Lorelei traveled back to her side of the mansion. She had her own living room she would usually share with her brother, but since he had left, it was all hers now.

Lorelei began writing in her book of creation of spells. It became a hobby of the Vespertine girl; to make hexes, place them in a spellbook, and then lock them away from the public. She loved making them and she could use them (if she ever needed to.)

Her peace was interrupted when three boys stomped their way up the stairs and their loud voices followed.

"Boys." Lorelei looked up from her book to see her neighbours plus one. The three boys grinned widely at their female friend before the platinum blonde dramatically flopped himself in a green, cushioned armchair.

"Lorelei." Blaise nodded at her in a formal fashion before sitting in the armchair adjacent to his blonde friend.

The third one took a seat next to Lorelei, plucking her notebook from her hands reading through it. "New hexes to scare the first-years, hm?" He grinned as he flipped through it.

"They're not meant for that. They're fun to make." Lorelei defended herself, leaning over to take the notebook back from the boy.

The boy across from Lorelei was Draco Malfoy; son of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. His manor was next to the Vespertine's, on the right. Draco and Lorelei had always been friends. When the Golden Trio and he got into fights she would try to diffuse the situation (which always failed.)

Blaise Zabini was sitting diagonally to the brunette. The Zabini's were on the left of the Vespertines. Blaise, Lorelei, and Draco hung out over the summer holidays. Most of the time, Blaise and Draco would let themselves into the house and go up to the East wing. (And her parents could care less because they loved Draco and Blaise.) Theo always tagged along, which Lorelei was fine with.

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