Chapter 2

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"YOU'RE GIVING ONE FOR ALL TO A WIELDER OF ALL FOR ONE!?!?!?" Nighteye shouts, enraged.

"I have to question you on this too, Yagi. Are you sure that this is a good ides?" Nezu asks, curious.

"I understand your concern, but don't you dare try to say that Young Midoriya is the same as that... that thing." All Might says, glaring at Nighteye.

"You already said that he has stolen at least 6 quirks. I fail to see how he could be better than the original wielder of his quirk if he has done so." Nighteye says stubbornly.

"His version of AFO isn't the same as his ancestor's, Mirai. Nor did he steal the quirks. The original wielders of the quirks were on their deathbeds, and allowed them to take them. Tokoyami-san confirmed this, as she was the first. Also, he only kept 6 quirks. He has had a dozen more, all of which were given to quirkless children whom he encountered after they were given the unfortunate news, and all of which were chosen by said children when posed with the option of which quirk they wanted."

"Tell me, Yagi, what's the difference between Young Midoriya's AFO and the original one?" Nezu asks, interrupting the argument.

"Young Midoriya's version of the quirk is actually superior to the original one. The original AFO had to grab someone to transfer a quirk, Young Midoriya merely has to be within 50 feet(1) of the person. Also, Mirai, before you say anything more about your distrust and dislike of Young Midoriya, why would he reveal himself to me if he was in cahoots with his ancestor's brother? Besides, OFA itself seems drawn to him, as if it was meant to be HIS quirk, rather than mine. Also, I haven't even offered it to him yet. I plan to do a thorough background check on him before doing so, make sure that he was telling the truth with his story, which is why I contacted you two in the first place." All Might explains.

"Hmmm, interesting. Say, did he say anything about the rest of his father's side of the family?" Nezu asks, preventing a fuming Nighteye from saying anything.

"According to him, every descendant of the first user possessed some form of AFO or OFA, though he himself is the first to possess a quirk on the level of either of the 2. His father specifically possessed the closest thing to it."

"And what was his father's quirk?"

"He called it 'My Turn' and it allowed him to temporarily steal quirks, though he couldn't give them away. He was apparently the mysterious vigilante who went by the name of 'The Borrower'"

Nezu stops talking to think for a second, finally giving Nighteye a chance to speak.


"One For All is MY quirk, Mirai. The only person who gets to decide who gets it is me, not you. The reason that I filed away your demand for me to give it to young Togata as a last resort is because it was just that, a demand, you trying to decide who I give One For All too for me." All Might says sternly. "I didn't ask for your opinion on whether or not I should give it to Young Midoriya, I asked for your help in finding the facts of his background. But, since it's obvious that you will only be providing the former, I no longer want your help with the latter. Go home, Mirai. You're no longer welcome here."


"DAMN HIM!!" An enraged voice shouts, the owner of said voice using one of his many quirks to destroy his surroundings, inadvertently enlarging the underground chamber he's lashing out in. "HE COULD HAVE BEEN ANYWHERE ELSE, DOING ANYTHING ELSE, BUT THAT DAMN FOOL JUST HAD TO SAVE IZUKU BEFORE HE COULD SAVE HIMSELF!!" He rants as he continues to lash out. "AND THEN HE HAD THE BRIGHT IDEA OF OFFERING IZUKU ONE FOR ALL AFTER DISCOVERING HIS TRUE IDENTITY!! HE MAY NOT HAVE DONE IT, BUT DAMNIT I SAW THE LOOK IN HIS EYES, HE FUCKING WANTED TO!!"

"Please, Shigaraki, calm down. Lashing out won't change anything. If Izuku receives One For All, then we'll just have to find a different way to save Shiro." A balding man in a doctor's outfit says as he enters the chamber.

The enraged man takes a deep breath before turning towards the doctor and releasing it in the form of a sigh, an eerily calm expression forming on his face. Well, what little of a face he has, anyway. "First of all, my name hasn't been Shigaraki for over a century, you know that already. My name is All For One, and I would really prefer for you to refer to me as such. Also, there IS no other way to save Shiro, we've tried everything. You know this. Without the stockpiled energy within One For All, she WILL die as her quirk drains all of her energy. I refuse to let my daughter die like that!"

Izuku and Inko's house, that night.

"So, do you think that he's gonna offer One For All to you?" Tomoko asks as soon as Izuku enters his room and de-transforms, rising from his shadow as she does so.

Izuku nods. "Yeah, probably. I know for a fact that both of us felt the resonance between our quirks, it's as though both quirks are incomplete, and need each other to achieve completion. Prior to today, the most attractive quirk I've felt was yours, but even yours is so much LESS attractive than One For All that it would be an insult to One For All to compare them. No offense."

Tomoko shrugs. "None taken, the attraction was so strong that I was able to feel it through you. Quite frankly, I was almost insulted on One For All's behalf when it seemed like you were going to compare us." She says matter-of-factly.

Izuku shrugs. "I wouldn't've blamed you." He says as he sits down at his desk, sending a longing glance at the picture of his long-dead parents as he does so. He then opens his laptop and begins typing, causing Tomoko to raise an eyebrow.

"What're you doing?"

Izuku doesn't even glance at her. "Putting the finishing touches on that program I've been working on for the past week."

"Oh, I remember now. It's the one that Detnerat commissioned you for, right?" She asks, causing Izuku to nod. "I still don't understand why the commissioned a Free-lance programmer for that. Surely they have a team of programmers at the ready for simple programs like this one."

Izuku shrugs. "Probably, yeah. You've gotta remember, though, what's simple for you and I isn't simple for most people. Plus, money is money, and my free-lance programming is the main way I make money, which I need a lot of to pay UA's tuition fees. There's no way that I was gonna turn them down with that price tag."

Tomoko shrugs. "Whatever you say. Get to sleep once you finish with that, remember, tomorrow's a training day." Her piece said, she returns to Izuku's shadow, willing herself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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