Chapter 16: iWhatADay

Start from the beginning

"Here it is... monthly it says diapers cost $80, bottles are $243, monthly daycare in the lounge is $972 if we choose that option, mortgage is $2,250, utilities are $80, and internet is $50. We're supposed to budget for groceries, gas, and any car payments. It says we can get those figures from the head of our households, or Mrs. Briggs if necessary, to understand the real-world application." I explained, glancing up at him. He made a weird scrunched-up face and then replied to my astonishment.

"Alright, that totals $3,675 a month for baby essentials and mortgage. With our salaries, we're actually in good shape. Let's budget around $150 for groceries per week, so $600 monthly, $250 for gas, and we don't have car payments – My truck was bought at auction, and I paid cash – if you want a car or transportation of some kind we can look at adding that." He suggested.

"How... How do you manage to do math in your head like that?" I asked, completely baffled.

"Princess, I'm the ultimate nerd. My brain is basically a calculator," he joked, winking at me once more. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Anyway, without adding a vehicle, we're looking at $4,525. We'll set aside 10% or $800 of our salaries a month for emergencies and future plans, leaving us with $2,675 for any other unexpected expenses or entertainment each month. I think that should cover us for this project, and we can even budget for a babysitter for occasional date nights," he explained, smiling. "Does that sound good to you?" he asked.

"Actually, yes. It all makes sense when you break it down like that. I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed," I confessed as I began filling in the paper. But then I noticed Freddie still bouncing the baby, while others had theirs lying on the desk. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Fredhub, you do know the baby isn't activated yet, right?" I chuckled.

"Yes... I'm aware. But I can't pass up the chance for extra credit, and let's be honest, you think I'm hot with a baby in my arms," he smirked.

"Wow... a little cocky, aren't we?" I retorted, not wanting to admit he was right.

"Always, princess. Don't you forget it. So, what's next?" he asked.

"The name," I replied, and we both fell silent for a moment.

"What if we named him after your dad?" Freddie suggested, completely catching me off guard.

"What?" I stammered, thinking I must have misheard him.

"Well, I know you loved him. What if we name our son after him?"

"Because, Freddie, I don't want to start my son's life with a name associated with abandonment," I replied, surprising myself with my honesty instead of anger.

"Sam... don't look at it like that. You still love him, don't you? Let our son give your dad's name a new meaning, I know it would mean a lot." Freddie urged gently.

"I don't know... Calvin... Really?" I said, my dad's name tasting bitter on my tongue. But as I looked at the plastic baby in Freddie's arms, I couldn't help but drift into thoughts of the future. Little Cal running around, chasing Freddie through the house, growing up to be just like his dad – loving, patient, and present. He'd learn to face life's challenges head-on, with my resilience and his dad's remarkable heart, achieving great things.

"Yeah... Calvin Benson. I like it. Do you?" Freddie asked.

"I think... I do, yes," I replied, feeling a small piece of my heart being patched back together. "Thank you," I whispered, not intending for him to hear, but he did. He reached for my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Is that everything on the worksheet? Can we hand it in and begin our little life together?" he asked eagerly.

"Yes, that's all," I replied, smiling at his excitement. We gathered our belongings, with me taking back the diaper bag and Freddie still cradling Calvin, we submitted our assessment. Ms. Briggs reviewed our budget and surprisingly praised us for considering emergency funds and savings, as well as factoring in extra expenses... blah blah blah. She informed us that the 1-page paper would be due tomorrow and assigned us a car seat, mentioning that the local Fire Department would be demonstrating how to install it during PE later that day. As she activated Calvin, he let out the most adorable giggle. Lastly, she awarded us 10 bonus points for extra credit because Freddie was the only one to immediately take the baby out of the carrier and start caring for him. Freddie turned to me with a smug grin, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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