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Princess Alyssa Targaryen was born on the 15th day of the 8th moon of 96AC, born with deep violet eyes, and hair of silver and gold, she was said to be the epitome of the beauty of Old Valyria.

As a babe, she was known to be shy around others, and often was heard softly crying into her mother's arms in the presence of strangers and was known to not like the touch of anyone apart from her parents and her Uncle Viserys.

However, as she got older, things changed.

Many agree this started when, at age 11, in the year 107AC, she snuck into the dragonpit in the dead of night, and claimed the dragon Dreamfyre. The princess and the dragon soon became inseperable, spending more or less every day for 6 moons flying back and forth from King's Landing to her fathers seat at Dragonstone.

From then on, Princess Alyssa became a willful girl, much like her father. At age 12 she was found having private fighting lessons with a member of the kingsguard, who she skillfully disarmed during one of their sessions that was interrupted by Lady Rhea. Despite being banned from training by her mother, the Princess continued to train with anyone she could, and could be often seen training in the dead of night on random beaches across the Seven Kingdoms.

Though like most other things, as she aged, her relationship with her uncle, King Viserys changed, and it soon became a source of gossip that the princess came to like Viserys more than she liked her own father, Daemon. Over the course of the next few years, she became very close with the King, becoming one of his cupbearers, and more importantly, becoming friends with his only daughter Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra and Alyssa became best friends from practically the day they met, and were often seen playing, eating or reading together and in 108AC, it was decided that Alyssa and Rhaenyra would be taught together by the same septa. this was aparrently due to the kings want for his neice and daughter to get along, but in reality, it was the threat that the princesses made of flying away on their dragons to Essos, that made Viserys come to this decision.

Even moreso than fighting, flying and spending time with her cousin, the princess had always had an interest in men. It was said that she has more interest in men than anything else, and was able to get what she wanted, when she wanted, with a quick flash of her eyes. At age 13 she was found telling a stable boy to kiss her, and it was said that if Daemon was not her father, or Viserys not her uncle she would have wed either of them.

In the year of 109AC, King Viserys arrganged her to be wed with Clement Celtigar, the second son of the Lord of Claw Isle. Clement was said to be a reserved and shy young man, two years older than Alyssa on their wedding day. In the coming years, it was said that the willfulness of his wife set alight a flame in him, and he became almost a whole new person.

This change in his character, and the princess' known want, meant that the marriage proved to be a happy and loving, it was said that there was not a day where the young couple did not spend great lengths of time together. Ultimately, the match was a fruitful one bringing forth two children in the space of 3 years.

In 110 AC she gave birth to a healthy, Valyrian boy named Rhaegar. He was the spitting image of his grandfather, with deep violet eyes, and striking silver hair. By age three, he had bonded with an Abyss black dragon, which he had named Toothless.

The following year, in 111 AC, she gave birth to Daena. She was more akin to her mother, her silver hair shot with flecks of gold, and her eyes a dark blue. Like her brother, she had also claimed a dragon very young, when at age 2, she hatched the pale pink dragon Cometchaser.

Towards the end of the year 112 AC, the Princess was pregnant again, and King Viserys decreed that the Princess was to be a companion to his also pregnant wife, Queen Alicent. The King hoped that this would bring his much loved only niece closer to his dear wife.

Unfortunately, Alyssa and Rhaenyra were once close to Alicent, but this relationship soured for the both of them, when she married the king. In Alyssa's opinion, this was all her doing, she had planned it to take away her uncle from her and Rhaenyra.

It meant that Alyssa hated Alicent. With a burning passion. In Alyssa's opinion, she'd driven a wedge in her family. Intentionally.

Viserys thought that having them spend time together, they would become close once again.

How wrong he was, for hers, was the Power of The Dragon.

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