Chapter 1: The Legend

Start from the beginning

Like with my father Johnny, my adoptive father Hiroki began to drink and smoke to hide his pain. At the time, Keiko was off in Europe doing God knows what and was never home. She only came back for Ena's funeral and when we got the news that Hiroki had cancer. It seemed as though I was going to lose another set of parents and become an orphan once more. While Keiko and I took it seriously, Hiroki played it off like it was nothing. On the day of my 13th birthday, I decided that I wasn't just going to let another father die. I just didn't know what I was going to do or who could help me with saving him. It would be this day that I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life, something I would regret doing for a very long time, on that day, I made a deal with a Devil.

Garage, Adachi Residence: Kuoh

In the garage of the Adachi residence, young Nathan was hard at work fixing his father's car. While he was fixing the car, Nathan was trying to think of ways that he could try and cure his adoptive father, Hiroki's lung cancer. The doctors said that the cancer was in stage 4 and was moving down towards his liver. They said at this rate, Hiroki was and could die at any given moment if he didn't get any treatment. Of course he and Keiko pushed Hiroki to get the treatment but he was set in his ways and claimed that he would meet his lovely Ena once more.

Seeing his adoptive father's lackluster behavior, seeing him not want to fight and just giving up, angered Nathan. If Hiroki wasn't going to do anything and just die than it looked like Nathan was going to have to step up and take charge. Nathan knew he had Keiko by his side and the two of them would do what they could to get Hiroki the help that he needed.

"It's kind of sad, seeing a young kid trying to fight cancer for his father" a voice said to Nathan

Nathan slid out from under the car and looked around for the person who spoke to him

"Who's there?" Nathan asked, looking around the garage

All of a sudden, the air got extremely cold, Nathan could see his breath and the wrench in his hand froze

"Hello there, you must be Nathan Blaze or is it Nathan Adachi now" a man said to Nathan, revealing himself to Nathan

The man had silver hair, blood red eyes,  tattoos on his chest and arms as well as one going down his eye, there was also a long cut mark going all along his neck

The man had silver hair, blood red eyes,  tattoos on his chest and arms as well as one going down his eye, there was also a long cut mark going all along his neck

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Just looking at this strange man, Nathan was instally getting a bad feeling about him

"W...What are you doing here?" Nathan asked the man nervously

"There's no need to be afraid my dear boy, I am simply a man looking to help you" the strange man answered

"Well, who are you then?" Nathan asked the strange man, wanting to know who he was

"I'm just a friend of the family and a big fan of your father" the strange man answered with a grin on his face

"My father?" Nathan asked the strange man

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