Chapter 1: The Legend

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It has been said that the world is built on legends, tall tales that help us make sense of things too great or too terrifying to believe. This is the legend of the Ghost Rider, not just any random Ghost Rider, this one goes by the name of Nathan Adachi. This is his legend, his story, all his pain and suffering, his happiness and love. Some say it isn't for the faint of heart, hearing what happened to him while others view it as tale of a cursed hero. It isn't up for you or me to decide, we are just watching all of it unfold eight before us.

You know, sometimes life just has a way of kicking you in the balls, kicking you while you are down after something tragic has just happened, over and over again. One would think that impossible, others would tell you that you are crazy but some, some might just believe as they too have gone through the same thing. My name is Nathan Adachi once Nathan Blaze before I was adopted into the Adachi family. I was born in a small town in Texas over in the United States to Johnathan “Johnny” Blaze and Roxanne Simpson. My father was a professional motorbike stuntman and preformed tricks all of the country as well as the world. My mother, Roxanne, was a worldwide famous reporter known for her amazing stories.

One would say that I had a rich childhood growing up, while not completely true, I did get to travel a lot with my family and see all types of things a normal kid my age at the time wouldn't get to see. I was living with a loving family, I learned a lot from my mother and father. I once thought that everything was going good and nothing wrong could ever happen. Unfortunately, that was just not the case and life had something else planned for me. One day, my mother got extremely sick, apparently she had developed a rare type of cancer that was eating away at her nervous system.

My father, worked extremely hard to get the money that would cover any type of treatments that my mother needed but there was just nothing that the doctors could do. So at the young age of 7, I watched my mother slowly die in a hospital bed while no one could do anything. After my mother had died, my father had her buried next to her mother and father. My father Johnny didn't know what to do after my mother's death. Instead of doing shows and traveling, he stayed home and tried to be the best father that he could be. Unfortunately my mother's doctor bills and treatment costs came back to haunt us along with all types of bills and debts my father had amassed trying to take care of us.

Seeing no other option, my father planned to do a trick that if he did successfully would pay off all the debts and bills he owed. With the money left over, he and I could move somewhere else and live a quiet and peaceful life. Once again life had other plans, so on the day of my father's big stunt, I watched as the engine in his bike exploded and he fell into a ring of fire, dying almost instantly. I watched all of that, I saw the crew put my father out and watched as the ambulance and paramedics carried him out of there. The doctors told me he died the moment his body caught on fire as well as when pieces of the engine pierced his body.

With no mother or father to look after me, I was an orphan and would be sent to a home until I was adopted. I had nothing left of my parents except my father's old jacket and my mother's silver ring. Before I could be put into the system and tossed around like garbage, two people came forwards and offered to adopt me. Their names were Hiroki and Ena Adachi, they were friends of my father and they lived in Japan. I didn't know what to think but I did know I didn't want to live in an orphanage so I went with the Adachi's to live in the small town Kuoh Japan. There I met their only daughter, Keiko Adachi who was 17 at the time of my arrival.

At first I didn't know what to say or what to do, I was in a new environment had no idea how things were going to go. Slowly as time went on, I got comfortable living with the Adachi's and started to see them like my new parents. Even Keiko and I got close with one another and she treated me like her actual little brother. Life was starting to look up for me, that was until life decided I needed to get kicked once more. When I was 10, my adoptive mother, Ena was in a violent car accident and died upon impact, leaving Hiroki and I alone.

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