Chapter 11

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One week later...

Alfred paused on the landing as the sound of Bruce's laughter reached him. It wasn't a bellowing guffaw, or even a full-throated chuckle. Just a little huff of amusement. But it was the most levity he'd heard from the taciturn young man in...years.

His chest clenched at the thought that maybe - finally - Bruce was healing.

And it was all down to Beth.

She'd brought light into Bruce's life. Or, more accurately, she'd brought life into Bruce's existence. Before she'd come on the scene, Bruce had been so single-minded in his focus - his entire being devoted to the mission to fight the crime of Gotham - that he barely slept; barely ate. Didn't interact with a single soul while not under that mask...

Alfred had been scared that the Bruce he knew - the kind, sensitive, intelligent boy - would disappear, be consumed by the Bat. That there would be nothing left but a hardened vigilante who would give his all to the city which, in return, would either turn on him, or use him up and discard him.

But then Beth had come along and pulled him from that abyss with nothing more than her smile and her innate goodness. These days, Bruce lingered over dinner...because she was next to him. He would eat serving after serving while she chatted to him about nothing and everything. Instead of working himself to exhaustion, Bruce now spent time relaxing with Beth either down in this lair or by the fire in the penthouse, sometimes talking with her, sometimes in peaceful silence.

He was finding balance, thanks to her.

Tonight, Bruce leant against his car, suited up in his vigilante gear but seemingly in no rush to leave. He was apparently too engrossed in the story being told by the young woman curled up in the chair beside the workstation.

" then they sent me to this camp for orphaned teens - way out in the sticks. Like the setting of some horror movie. And it was a horror movie, as far as I was concerned. All I wanted to do was sit inside and read a book but they kept forcing me out side. Kayaking. Fishing. Camping! Ugh!

Another huff of laughter from Bruce. Alfred smiled at the sound, and at Beth's exaggerated disgust.

"But then they introduced us to horse-riding...and I loved it. I was in the saddle for hours every day. Until I tried to jump a fence at a gallop and was thrown off. Snapped my right leg and had to wear a cast the rest of the summer. I got my wish in the end - I was stuck inside reading my book."

"So you were a bit of a daredevil," Bruce commented.

Beth smiled up at him and shrugged. "I guess. I liked going fast."

Alfred saw the perfect opening to intrude. "So did Bruce," he said, making his way down the stairs. "He used to race cars as a teenager."

Bruce looked at him in surprise. "You knew?"

"Of course I knew. You weren't as stealthy as you thought. Thank god, you've improved given your current proclivities." Alfred gestured to the suit.

Beth laughed.

"Did you need something, or did you just come down here to spill secrets about my past?" Bruce asked, but there was no animosity in his voice. Beth's presence was having a positive influence on their relationship too.

"I just wanted you to know that Samantha Sterling's medical bills have been taken care of, as requested."

"Thank you, Alfred."

Beth looked towards Bruce. "You did that?"

Bruce shrugged. "She's a victim in all of this. I can't blame her for Newsome finding out about you. So I let her know - anonymously - that you were safe and I paid off a few bills. Its no big deal."

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