"I'd rather rot away than have to deal with your bullshit, you can't even take care of yourself! What makes you think you can even take care of me too? Because if you haven't took a look at me I'm not doing to fucking hot!"

He started walking over to me but I didn't even move, I knew what was coming and I was ready for it.

He stood right in front of me and out his face inches away from mine, I glared right into the black holes in his mask. I knew I was going to die eventually, so might as well get in a few good remarks while I'm at it.

His arm flew to my check and grabbed it harshly. I tried to break his grip but he was too strong.

"Listen to me," When I didn't stop struggling he yanked my wrists together and squeezed them harshly. He continued to tighten his grip so I stopped, every light of resentment was extinguished due to the reality of my situation.

"You won't make it out of this house alive, but I can help you," Desperation filled his voice. "I want to help you but you're making it very difficult to do so," I shook my head violently, I didn't want to hear his guilty conscience start up after all of this torment he put me through.

He continued talking, "Listen! Lisen, ok I know I've fucked up, I know. But I don't want to see you shrivel away into something like me. That's not what I want you to be alright?"

He loosened his grip on my arms and cheek but didn't let go completely.

"Why did you even bring me to this hellhole," I muttered,

"Your necklace, it reminded me of a time before all of this happened," He spoke with a hint of sadness.

I nodded my head, in no way was I ever going to forgive him for what he had done. But maybe I could cheat death a little longer with him.

"All because of a necklace, huh?" I squeezed my hands. My eyes were starting to burn once again.

He nodded his head, "I'll tell you more later but I think this is enough today. I have to go out anyway. I'll still be near and Hoodie will be coming here soon," He explained as we grabbed a crowbar off of the counter.

He opened the door and right before he closed it he said "I still would have caught you without the necklace, but if you hadn't had it on you'd already be dead," And with that he shut the door and walked out into the forest.

I just sat in the little worn out chair. I was honestly conflicted about all this. I didn't know whether or not I should even trust him. A little part of me did but I couldn't just forget all of the shit he had done before.

I just shook my head violently, like a feeble attempt to rid all of the thoughts that kept bombarding me. I stood up and just stood there. I couldn't take sitting down any longer. So I simply just walked around the house. I walked and thought about what the hell I was supposed to do.

Do I trust him, like really trust him. No, of course I don't, why would I? I reasoned with myself, He's just lying, he's a psychotic murder of course he's lying. I let out a groan of frustration. Why did everything have to be so complicated? I needed something to distract myself, I couldn't take thinking about him anymore.  My clothes need to be washed, I eventually came up with.

So, I started looking around for a washing machine. I turned to the hallway and started towards it. I opened every door and peeped inside, but to no avail there was no washing machine. I didn't want to but I had to just use the sink in the bathroom to wash it. It wouldn't be a deep clean by no means but it was still something.

I sighed and started toward the bathroom, I closed the door and locked it. I didn't want anyone catching me half naked. I turned on the faucet and let the water warm up. I looked around for some soap and landed on a nice smelling one that was under the counter. I stopped up the drain and poured some soap in, then I plopped some of my clothes in and scrubbed them.

I cringed a little bit when the water started to turn a dirty brown. Damn, I'm glad I washed the clothes, they surely needed it. I took out my shirt and turned on the faucet in the tub to wash out the soap and grime. Once I was done I hung it up on the side of the tup and went for my pants. I repeated this process until I had washed everything.

Once I was done I felt a lot better than before, much fresher. I glanced in the mirror at myself, I was shocked at what was staring back at me. My face seemed so hollow compared to before. My eyes had lost the spark that I used to have and my eye bags had scarily darkened. The cut on my cheek didn't help at all. It seemed like it was healing but it was a terrible reminder of what I was going to face.

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away, I didn't want to think about it, not at all. I went back to my chair in the living room, it was still facing the window, just like I had it. A little smile crept onto my face as I sat down, this chair was like my little safe haven. I cuddled up under the blanket and stared at the sky, it looked to be about one or twoish. The trees were still mostly green but red and oranges had seeped into some of the trees and taken over the green colors. 

It all looked so pretty, but I couldn't be out there with it. The thought of being trapped inside soured my mood once again. I took my necklace in my hands and admired it. I didn't know whether I should be thankful for it or despise that it exists. I sighed and continued to look out the window.

I have all this time to think but I didn't want to, lately thinking just hasn't been one of the things I was willing to do. So, I laid my head down to see if I could take a nap to sleep the day away. As my eyes closely got heavier and heavier, there was only one thing on my mind: What's gonna happen now?

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