Chapter One.

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I felt my eyes slowly drift open. I'm suddenly blinded and overwhelmed by the light dripping in through my barely covered windows. I quickly roll over onto the other side of my oh so comfortable bed. I lay there for a few minutes not wanting to accept that I have to go to work once again today. I had to stay up so late last night. I rub my eyes and sit up with a hunched over back still waiting for my brain to power back on. I stare blankly at the wall trying to adjust to the light until something startles me and slams against my window. 

I quickly turn my head to see what had disrupted my non-thinking. I regret doing that due to the fact that I'm not used to the light quite yet. I squint my eyes carefully to try and see better. The only thing I see is a few miniature splats of blood dripping down from my window.

"Not again," I grumbled at the thought of having to clean up more bird blood. For the past few weeks or so they have been hitting my window day and night. I have no clue why, I should probably figure out why its happening. But right now I don't have the time to think about that. I have to get to work. I rub my eyes one final time.

I stand up slowly walk over to my ancient looking dresser. My clothes were spewing out of it. I yawn and grab a pair of baggy jeans that have stains and paint all over them. I used to spend all of my free time painting. Now I don't ever have free time. I shuffle through the mountain of clothes on the floor. I don't even know how I have so many clothes since I basically wear the same thing everyday. I'm looking for my (Favorite color) hoodie. I find it in the middle of the pile and smell it to make sure it doesn't have to bad of a stench. It doesn't smell.. too bad. I can't even remember the last time I actually washed this thing. I wear it so much that the color has faded to a darker more husky version of its former beauty. I've been told it makes me look like a homeless person. But I honestly don't care enough. I pull the hoodie over my head and grab my tennis shoes. 

I start to walk out of my apartment before I realize I forgot my wallet. I roll my eyes and crack my knuckles before turning back around. I slowly walk back inside and grab it off of my small kitchen counter. I walk out of my apartment for real this time and wait for the elevator to take me down to the bottom floor. As I slowly wait for the door to open I fiddle with my fingers and hum. The door opens up and I walk in. I look over at the tall masculine figure next to me. He's in a formal suit but the funny thing is the suit has pineapples all over it, so I guess it's not formal at all. He's holding a briefcase full of papers, the edges poking out from its sides. He quickly notices me staring and I advert my gaze as he instead checks his watch. The elevator door swings open and I quickly rush out, trying to avoid the awkward conversation I would have to have with the stranger.

I walk/speed walk out of the building and take a deep breath. I pat down my hair and look up. I start walking on the sidewalk humming my favorite song quietly to myself. My footsteps sound loud due to the fact basically nobody is outside right now. Which is slightly strange since Friday's are usually really busy for most people. I shrug and keep walking. I watch the trees sway in the light breeze. It's peaceful, or at least it would be if there wasn't so much snow. I hate snow so much. Most people find it beautiful or something but it has always been a bother to me. I love the cold so it must not be that. 

I soon find myself at my work. I work as a cashier at the grocery store. It doesn't pay much nor is it very fun but I've never been to college and I don't have any qualifications to work anywhere else. Heck, even McDonalds rejected my employment application. I walk in and walk to the back of the store to check in and grab my apron. I tie my apron around my waste. I turn around and get startled by my co-worker. I think his name is Sam? Sal? I have not a clue. 

"Good morning to you to," I grumble under my breath as my co-worker raises his eyebrow. I roll my eyes.

"Somebodies moody today," My co-worker snickers and grabs his apron as well. He's the store manager. He never does anything around here. He usually dumps all of his work on people like me who he knows will get the work done. If I ever did that I'd be fired in an instant. The thought of it makes me nervous. If I did get fired I don't even know what I'd do. Like I said it's not like anybody will hire me for anything. 

I shake off the thought of it and walk over to check out lane four where I have most of my shifts. I set my wallet done in the cubby next to my plastic seat. I sit down and prop my head against my arm waiting for somebody to walk in even though I don't actually want anybody to come to the store today. I honestly just want to lay down and sleep. 

Thirty minutes feels like four years. I'm slowly withering away in this place. Usually we have customers by now. Suddenly a middle aged woman and her supposed daughter walk in. Her daughter is actually pretty cool looking, she looks about my age. She has bright red dyed hair with a short shag/wolf cut. She's wearing a black vest with a white collared shirt and fancy dress pants. My face gets flushed with pink but I quickly look away and mentally slap myself. 

Later that day a lot more people come in and I start counting the minutes until I can leave. And right as the clock is about to strike 6 pm the manager comes over and says," today can you finish cleaning up?" Before I can respond he says, "Thanks so much. What a team player."

He walks away and I'm left to clean up the rest of the store by myself. How fun. I get up and walk over to the broom closet and start to sweep up. I've had to clean up the store the past 3 days. Every time I feel so close to quitting but I know if I do I'll become homeless. Which doesn't sound very nice if you ask me.

After I finish cleaning the store it's around 10:30 pm. I groan and slowly put all of the cleaning supplies away into their rightful positions in the broom closet. I just take my apron home with me, not even wanting to take it off. I just don't have enough energy to do so.

I grab my wallet, put it in my pocket and leave the store quickly not wanting to stay and longer. I don't even care that I left the lights on. It's not my problem so nobody can blame me for it. 

As  I'm walking home I notice how eerily quiet it is. The only thing I can hear is the snow crunching underneath my feet. I'm not complaining though, I enjoy the quiet. It's very calming for me, which I definitely need right now. I walk past an alleyway and notice a strange black bag hidden behind a few trash cans. It's slightly suspicious since nobody uses any of the buildings around that alleyway.  I think nothing of it though, I honestly couldn't care less. 

I get home and don't have enough energy to take off my shoes or hoodie. I throw myself onto my bed and fall asleep almost instantly. Hoping that maybe tomorrow will be better than the past 3 days. I start to fall into a deep slumber, not expecting what's to come later.

"Tired.." Nightmare Sans X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora