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Well, we are back! Today is talk about fonts. When choosing a cover, you need to make sure you have a right type of font. If you have a story about a ghost, you don't put it in Times New Roman font. I mean, you could, but come on. That would look SUPER boring.

So, you need to choose a font that is close to the subject. For example, if you look at Coraline's book cover, her name is sort of a creepy font. (trying to open horizons so everybody can relate to the examples.)

The o in Coraline is the shape of a button, because (spoiler start!) the Other Mother wanted to sew buttons into her eyes and eat her up. (end of Spoiler) This means that you can also leave spaces in the title. 

So for you guys who do not know what I am talking about, say you are talking about a girl who dreams of becoming a writer, and the title is A Dream of All Dreams. You can replace the Ls in her name with pencils, to represent her dream, and make the initial font swirly, to represent transparent dreams. (dreams that never come true.)

Also, when you are going to put the author's name in the cover, make sure that it is in a very plain font. Too many crazy fonts can make the cover un-appealing and crowded. 


For contrast in fonts, you can think about basic colors. If there is a lot of black, use white, and vice versa. If you have blue and purple, put one part of the title in black, and the other part in blue. Get creative!


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