• chapter 6

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It was nearing the end of the day.. at the moment, Nene was walking in the school halls.

She was on the way to her next and final class.

Nene couldn't help but feel nervous, what did Tsukasa want to tell her?

Could he be thinking of disbanding wonderlands x showtime..? No! That's impossible. Nene thought to herself.

Sighing, Nene was about to enter her class until the door opened.

Wait.. Rui? Why was he leaving her classroom?

"Ah, there you are Nene!" He spoke.

Why does everybody seem to be looking for me today? So exhausting.. She thought to herself.

"Rui? Aren't you meant to be in class?"

"Well, yes. Though.. I did have a question." He said, in a serious tone.

"Huh? Can it wait? I really—"

She was cut off. Her hand was grabbed by Rui, who started to drag her somewhere else.

"No. It's important."


Classes have already begun five minutes ago, yet Rui would still not let Nene go.

"What's wrong? You're worrying me, Rui.." Nene worriedly said to her childhood friend.

"It's about Tsukasa." He replied in the same gloomy tone of voice.

"Tsukasa? What's wrong with him? Oh.. did you destroy his dreams of becoming a star again?" She deadpanned, not taking the situation seriously.

"Ofcourse not, that was only a one time thing!" Rui exclaimed in response.

"Alright then, what is it really?"

"I'm worried he's avoiding me." The purple haired male admitted.


"He hasn't answered any of my messages, and every time I see him in the hallways he runs away!" Rui said, it didn't seem like he was joking at all.

Nene thought for a bit. How could someone as smart as Rui be confused about this?..

It took her a minute of thinking until she realized.. Tsukasa has feelings for Rui?!?

"You.. you haven't considered giving it a thought?"

"Hm? What do you mean by that, Nene?" Rui asked.

"You don't think he may.. you know, feel something specific for you?" She hinted.

"You don't mean.." He said in a low voice

"I do."


"You idiot!"


After things cleared up, Rui tried to calm his blushing face down.

"So you do know what I meant.." Nene said, looking at her red-faced friend.

"Ofcourse, but I couldn't confirm it. I haven't felt any sort of feelings before.." He mumbled, it seemed he was in thought.

"Well, if that's all I really need to go to class now." Nene said.

"Ah, ofcourse! Fufufu, I'll be skipping my class!"

"Eh? Why?" The female asked.

"The professor hates me, and I hate him too." Rui said casually with his mischievous cat-like smile.

Nene sighed in disappointment, how was she friends with Rui in the first place?


It was the end of the school day and the bell had rung, students were leaving classes and packing up.

Some students, like Tsukasa and Nene; were walking with each other to the courtyard.

Rui was not with the duo as he was finishing up school work in class after the professor found him skipping.

"So, Tsukasa." Nene said, wanting the male beside her to speak up.

The both had finally arrived at the schools courtyard, not many students were around.

"..Yes?" He responded, it was obvious he was hiding something.

"Tell me what's so important already!" She was getting impatient at this point.

"Well.. it's embarrassing to admit!" Tsukasa trailed off, putting on one of his iconic-dramatic poses.

That caused Nene to deadpan.


"I, the world future star, may have just caught feelings for his own director!" He said, loudly.


"But.. I also have feelings for Emu!" He exclaimed in distress. The pose long forgotten.

Nene took a bit of time to process what Tsukasa just said.

Wait.. her friend has a crush on two people and one of them is.. her own crush?!


Odd feelings / Emunene fanficWhere stories live. Discover now