• chapter 2

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Currently, both Nene and Rui were looking for a spot to sit down as they waited for Tsukasa and Emu to order their ice creams.

"That looks like a fitting place for us all to sit, don't you think so too, Nene?"

"Hm.. it's alright. There is a nice view." Nene replied, as she and Rui sat down.

"There's something I'd like to ask you, Nene." Rui spoke.

"What is it?"

"..Do you perhaps feel anything towards Emu?" The male asked.

"Feel? What do you mean by that, Rui?" Nene said, with confusion.

"I mean roma-" As Rui was about to tell Nene, he was cut off by Emu.

"We're backk!!" Emu shouted in glee, with an angry Tsukasa chasing after her.

"Get back here, help me hold this icecream!" He shouted back.

"Stop being so loud, you two.. it's giving unwanted attention.." Nene mumbled, annoyed with the twos antics.

"I'll help you, Tsukasa." Rui stood up, going over to help the blondie who was struggling.

"Thanks Rui..!" He smiled, giving him two of the ice creams.

Emu sat down next to Nene, waiting for the other two members of wonderlands x showtime to give them their treats.

"I'm really excited to eat my icecream, the worker decided to put chocolate syrup for free! It's going to be sooo good..!" Emu said, daydreaming about her icecream.

Nene softly chuckled, nodding in response. She stared at Emu, taking a look at all her features.

Her wide sparkling pink eyes, big smile, and short soft pink hair.

"Nene!" Tsukasa called out.

"Huh..?!" She was shocked to see Tsukasa and Rui already sitting down and enjoying their icecream.

"You were spacing out.. anyways here's your sorbet." Tsukasa said, giving Nene her grapefruit flavored sorbet.

"Thanks I guess."

"Yum yum! So sweet and good!" Emu exclaimed, enjoying her own sweet treat.

"Indeed, this icecream is great, your friend was right to recommend this place, Emu." Rui said as he ate his mint chocolate chip icecream cone.

"She always has great recommendations, I could ask her for more if we could all hang out again!"

Nene noticed something. "Ah.. Emu there's-"

"Emu! Don't eat so carelessly, the icecream is all over your face!" Tsukasa said, not realizing he cut Nene off while she was speaking.

He grabbed a tissue, and leaned over the table to wipe off the icecream on Emus cheek.

The jealousy.. it was back. Nene felt it again, this time it was worse.

Rui, who was sat across Nene gave her a look of concern. He seemed to get an idea of what Nene was feeling, even when she was oblivious to it.

"Hehe.. sorry Tsukasa!" Emu apologized.

"No need to say sorry.. just be careful, you could have ruined your clothes."


"That was an enjoyable moment, don't you think so too?" Emu said, looking over to where Nene was.

"Oh.. yeah. It was nice." Nene responded.

"I've got to get going.. I don't want to worry Saki by coming home late! See you all tomorrow!" Tsukasa said, waving goodbye to his friends and walking off.

"Oh! I have to help my sister with something today too! Bye bye, Rui and Nene!" Emu spoke, running off quickly.

"Well, that leaves just us two." Rui said.

"Yeah.. let's get going then. Do you know any quick route from here to our neighborhood?" Nene asked her childhood friend.

"I think I do! Right over there.. let's hope we don't get lost though, fufufu!"


Nene and Rui walked in a comforting silence back home, until Nene spoke up.

"So Rui, what was it you wanted to ask me earlier?" She asked.

"Ah yes! I wanted to ask you.. do you have any romantic feelings towards Emu?" He suddenly said.

Nene stopped waking for a moment, shocked by what he said.

Romantic feelings? For emu? Does that.. explain the jealousy I felt? Nene thought to herself.

"Nene? Are you alright?"

"I'm.. im fine."

"You don't have to answer me now, but I'd like to know soon." Rui smiled softly at Nene. "Come on then, let's continue our way back."

"Yes.. let's go." Nene smiled back.


Odd feelings / Emunene fanficWhere stories live. Discover now