• chapter 5

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Nene yawned, rubbing her eyes. She had just woken up.

She reached out to her phone to check the timing—

"I'm going to be late..?!" The female said to herself, hurriedly getting up from her bed.

Grabbing her uniform that was hung on the handles of her closet, she rushed inside the bathroom.


The green haired girl panted slightly, she arrived just in time before classes started!

There was one minute exactly for her to grab her books from her locker and head to her first class.

That class being English!

Thankfully, Nenes locker was close to her classroom.

Walking, a bit fastly; she arrived at her locker and grabbed her  notebook and other needed supplies and entered the classroom.

"Kusanagi!" Her teacher called out once she had entered.

"..Yes sir?" Nene replied.

"Are you planning on cheating? Why do you have your notebook with you?"

Cheating..? What did the teacher mean?

Nene pondered for a second, until she had realized.

The test she was meant to study for was today?!

This made her recall the events of what happened yesterday at her house..


"RUII!" Tsukasa shouted.

Currently, Rui, Nene and Tsukasa were all playing a video game that Nene had recently bought.

Seeing that it was a multiplayer game, she decided it would be fun to play with the two males!

"Stop shouting in my ear Tsukasa.." The female muttered, she was sitting next to Tsukasa afterall.

"Ah.. sorry Nene— RUI STOP THAT!"

"So much for an apology.."

"Fufufu! You've really got to stop playing so badly, Tsukasa!" Rui teasingly said.

While he was quite literally the reason that Tsukasa was losing.

"What do you mean?! You keep pressing buttons on my controller!" The blonde male said.

"Oh such brutal lies.. are you trying to make me seem like a villian, my dear Tsukasa?"

"Eh?! I'm not lying!"

"Both of you shut up. Please."

"Uh oh.. it seems you've disturbed Nene, Tsukasa!"

"I just said both of you. That includes you, Rui." Nene stated.

flashback ended

Nene sighed as she recalled what had happened.

It seems that she had gotten carried away playing the video game with Rui and Tsukasa that she forgot to ask Rui to help her study!

"Sorry, professor." She apologized and gave the teacher her notebook.

She went to sit down in her seat.

Nene was nervous to say the least, how could she be so careless?!

Oh well, it seems the female can only hope she'd do decent on the test.


Finally! That dreadful test is over.. Nene said to herself in her head.

She barely had gotten time to finish the last question before the bell would ring.

Thankfully, she did get her notebook at the end of class.

As Nene was going to her locker to grab her notebooks for the next class, she noticed Tsukasa walking up to her.

"Tsukasa? Aren't you supposed to be getting your books for class?"

"Ah, Nene! Ofcourse, I've got them at my desk already. A star could never forget such an important deed!" The blonde exclaimed.

"..Right. Why are you here anyways?" She asked, ignoring his loud demeanor.

"Well, I would like for you to meet me afterschool in the courtyard before we leave to practise, if that's fine?"

"Huh? Well sure— wait, you're not planning something with Rui are you?" Nene said, slightly suspicious.

"What?! Ofcourse not! All I need to do is ask you something important."

"Why can't you ask me now?"

"Well, it's just so important it needs to be asked in private! Now I ought to go to my class before I'm late, see you, Nene!" He said, quickly leaving.

That left Nene to wonder.. what was so important that she needed to meet Tsukasa outside after school?

Only the two of them..?


Odd feelings / Emunene fanficWhere stories live. Discover now