"hey, wait, what really happened the other night at the festival?" the galpin boy questioned, curiosity filling his tone as thursday nodded. "i two would like to know the answer to that." thursday spat out.

wednesday was silent, not a single sound came out of her as the two boys trailed behind. "look, i swear i won't say anything to my dad." tyler promised, thursday knew that his promise was true, mostly because by the looks of things, they didn't get along very well.

wednesday stopped in her tracks and instantly turned around to tyler, completely ignoring her twin who stood beside him. "i thought rowan was in danger. turns out i was wrong. then he proceeded to use his telekinesis to try and choke me to death." she explained before quickly turning back around and resuming walking.

"why? why did he want to kill you?" thursday quickly asked, however, he got no response making him slightly sigh in anger. "and you wonder why i can never help, you never tell me anything." thursday scoffed, rolling his eyes whilst doing so.

"you know why i don't tell you things," she hissed at him, turning back around only for tyler to move back in confusion as he watched the conflict between the two, "maybe you shouldn't even be here."

thursday only stared down towards his sister, she always knew how to tick people off and especially how to push people away. he just never thought it would be him.

"maybe i shouldn't." thursday nodded, speaking bitterly as he pushed past her, making sure to push into her shoulder as he made his way back to the school. what a great sister he had.

thursday walked into his dorm angrily as he slammed it open before slamming it shut. he noticed how kit was there as a small yelp of surprise ran through the room; he paid no mind to him.

he quickly walked to his side of the room before forcing himself to sit down on his black chair and slamming his hands down onto the desk in the hope to calm himself down. "are you okay?" kits voice rang in his ears, knowing that the blonde boy was approaching him.

"i'm fine." thursday spoke through a clenched jaw, ignoring the feeling of power which was fighting to escape through the tips of his fingers. thursday didn't know why he felt like this, his anger control skills were supposed to be amazing.

i mean, he had been practising ever since he found out his powers so he wouldn't accidentally hurt someone with them, it's not like he would though. "you don't seem fine." kit was quick to respond with, now leaning against the wall awkwardly as he looked at his roommate.

"i said i'm fine." thursday shot up from his spot, the questions of 'are you okay?' always bothered him. he's thursday addams, he had no reason to not be okay. a sudden sense of warmth covered his hands, he looked to his side to see kit standing there with his own hands covering thursday.

"is that why your hands are looking a bit glowy with magic?" kit asked gently, the boy's soft voice sent a sudden wave of calmness through him but it didn't last long as the anger rushed through him once again.

"get off me." thursday ripped his hands away before walking away, he placed his hands on the back of his head as he let out a heavy sigh. "you know, pushing people away isn't going to help." kit pointed out.

"i'm not pushing anyone away." thursday stated, his voice cold and venomous as he looked over his shoulder directly at kit. "really? it seems like you're pushing me away." his voice sounded sad and thursday picked up on it.

"we were never together in the first place."

it went silent. it felt off, kit was most certainly not a quiet person so the idea of him finally being quiet was disturbing. thursday turned around and his eyes landed on kit who looked like he didn't know what emotion to show on his face.

"here i thought we were making some sort of progress, thursday." the addams boy noticed how kit spat out his name as if it were poisonous, he didn't like it. "you can push people away all you want and act like you don't care how your sister is treating you but deep down, you and i both know you care. you really care."

"all i want to do is help. when we first met, it was obvious you wanted to be anywhere but here. i don't blame you, i never have. i then realised how everyone thought you were a weirdo, no one even wanted to look in your direction, not even your own sister," kit explained, despite how much he was true, thursday would never admit it.

"the one person you thought you had never really was there for you. i thought, hey, it wouldn't hurt to get to know my roommate, i would really enjoy being his friend even though everyone dislikes you. i tried hard, really fucking hard but you never cared. at first, i thought if i kept trying to help you, you would finally come around, especially after that night in the woods i thought i did it. you did it. you finally let someone in. but i was wrong. you pushed me away because you were scared someone was going to see you as the real you, not the hard, moody and gloomy act you put on. you might've pushed me away the first time, but i'm not letting you do it a second time."

"you're forgetting i helped you in the woods that night, not the other way around." thursday hissed at him, his anger was coming to a stop but it was only getting replaced with an emotion he never thought he could feel.

"you helped me, and i was so fucking proud that you did. you helped someone and all i ever wanted to do in return was to help you back." the sinclair boys eyes were now watering, his voice cracking at some points during his sentence as he looked hopelessly at the tall boy in front of him.

"don't." thursday told him, ignoring the lingering feeling of what felt like his dark heart for some reason breaking in his chest. "don't worry, i'm not going to." with his final sentence, kit walked away.

thursday only now realised all he had done, the feeling of running after the boy as he cried out i'm sorry a million times only lingering in his thoughts because he never did.

he knew he had lost kit, now realising kit was the only person who truly cared for him in this world.

alex speaks

im so sorry for not updating for the past
two weeks... i promise to updated A LOT more
from now on

please vote and comment .
word count : 1673

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now