8. ( burn )

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chapter 8

( burn )

unlike the ride to jericho, the ride out of jericho wasn't silent. the twins sat in the same seats as they did on the way there, however, mrs weems attitude was certainly different.

"your first day at nevermore and you're already on sheriff glapins radar. wish i could say i was surprised." the older woman scolded them, it didn't mean anything to the twins, though.

thursday couldn't care less about the whole situation, minus one thing. he, along with wednesday, had found out something they never knew about him which was that he is wanted for murder.

"what did he mean about our father?" wednesday asked, completely ignoring everything the woman had just said.

"i have no idea," weems responded, it sounded sincere but thursday had a feeling in his body which was telling him she knew exactly what had happened, "but a word of advice, stop making enemies and start making friends. you're going to need them."

"no, we won't. after sixteen years of only having each other i think we've adapted to it, we don't need anyone." thursday told the woman, however, he got no answer as something not far in front had caught everyones eyes.

a little bit further down the road, it looks like there had been some kind of crash. smoke was coming from a red car as cops and paramedics surrounded it.

"there must've been an accident, hope the drivers okay." weems said, but thursday could tell she didn't have much sympathy for the driver.

as they drove past, thursday recognised the car from earlier. it belonged to the guy which wednesday had crashed into when she had her vision.

"he's dead. broke his neck." wednesday told the woman who seemed slightly confused as they couldn't even see the driver from their angle.

"tragic." thursday responded, his comment was clearly not sympathetic towards the driver.

night had finally come which meant that the twins were now in their separate dorms. although thursday could function completely fine without his twin, he still hated how they didn't share one.

the boy was on the balcony as he looked into the distance, his eyes roaming around the darkness.

the night was silent.

kit wasn't back yet which only meant it wouldn't take long until he was to arrive. however, thursday was too busy thinking to consider where his roommate was.

after using his powers, the burning sensation was still lingering in his hands, although he had used them hours ago.

before he could think any further about his situation, the sound of a cello caught his attention.

having been living with wednesday for basically his whole life, he could easily tell if it was her playing the cello or someone else. in this case, he knew it was her.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now