Chapter 13. Messages are knives.

Start from the beginning

What did I just say?

Grandpa looked at me with a questionable glare. "Have you eaten yet? Opera is working at school, so he probably hasn't made food for you, so why don't you allow your old grandpa to make you lunch?"

He asked it so nicely, I couldn't refuse. I didn't want to bother him, but I was hungry. Plus I wasn't the one asking so it should be okay right?

"I haven't eaten yet. And food sounds awesome, thank you."

He smiled brightly while his posture got replaced with a proud to be grandpa one.

"Alright, what would you like to eat? You need to eat more, or you will get skinny again."

Please, you just want to make me fat. I heard that all grandparents try to do that. And now I have proof.

"Y-you can just make something simple, or re-heat some of the soup?"

My uncomfortableness shined trough at every moment. Why did I have to feel so bad about someone else making my dinner?

"Alright! I'll make you a delicious sandwich! It's what I make best!"

"T-thank you grandpa."

"Oh, how I love to hear you say that, grandson!" After he did some Jazz hands he went over to the kitchen, where I didn't see him for about 30 minutes.

But after a while, he came back carrying about 20 sandwiches. He was crouched over, as if he hurt his back while lifting a heavy object.

"Look at what your grandpa made for you! Be sure to enjoy it, I'll be working for a while, but if anything is the matter, just knock on my door." He then smiled, waved and walked away.

The only thing I could mutter was "Thank you, grandpa." before he was completely gone.

I did hear a "Awww" when he left however.

The sandwiches looked really tasty, though you could see that every one of them got a little less "normal" than the others. Like this one, it has a large, rectangle bump underneath the bread. Hold up, is that..? Why is there a whole block of cheese here? Huh?

There was another sandwich that had large bump underneath it. It looked similar aswelll. Now a little frightened, I elevated the soft, white bread. And... why is there a block of meat here? Why..?

I guess he really does want me to get fat.

I can't eat the sandwich like this, but I really don't want to throw it away, grandpa tried really hard at this. Hmm.. maybe.

I looked over at the clock. "4.25 pm." Is it already that late?

Well, no one would notice if I sneaked into the kitchen now right? I could just get a knife and slice off some of the meat and cheese for the other sandwiches. Which, had either a lot or no toppings at all. I guess he overworked himself. Or he doesn't know how to make sandwiches.

After planning my mission, I decided on a sneak mission. Opera would probably be back around 5pm so he wouldn't notice, especially since grandpa already used the kitchen.

Mission make the sandwiches edible, go!

I then slowly elevated the plate of sandwiches, and placed them on the table, that was where I would operate the sandwiches. I then sneakily went in to the kitchen, grabbed a small but razor sharp knife, and quietly closed the door. Exept, a pan fell down when I left, ringing all around.

Shit, please don't have heard that.

I practically ran towards the dinner table, knife still in hand. I must have looked like a serial killer running away from a crime scene.

But I made it. I made it back safely.

I then opened the sandwiches one by one. Most of them had bearly any toppings, but there were five that had way to much.

After counting the sandwiches, I got to a number of 24.

So if I cut off 1/15th of.. no thats not correct. Ah! Thats it!

I began slicing up the toppings, spreading them into equal parts.

When I finally finished, I put one of the sandwiches in my mouth. It really was delicious! After 22 other sandwiches, I was quite full. Only one left.

While finishing the last sandwich, I heard the door open.

Shit not now, how late is it? I looked at the clock "5.00 pm" I took too long, I have to atleast hide the knife. If I don't, hes gona kill me!

In a panic, I swiftly hid the knife behind my back. "W-welcome back Opera!"

"Oh, good to see that you are awake, have you eaten yet?"

Should I lie? No, grandpa would find out. "Yeah, I've had lunch already. Grandpa made it."

Opera then started walking straight towards me. Panicking even more, I hid the knife in my sleeve to make sure he wouldn't notice it. It however, began to sting inside my sleeve. Did I cut myself?

Opera came up to the table, where he picked up the plate and went to the kitchen. I couldn't help but sigh from relief. If he discovers this, my life is officially over.

When Opera came back he got closer to me, again. "Hey, Iruma. Next time Sullivan makes you anything, tell him to check the refridgerator for leftovers, I had made some leftover soup for you."

Ohh.. so he did make food, but grandpa decided to ignore him.

"Now, how do you feel?" He asked, no tone in his voice.

"I'm okay, I'm not nauseous, or dizzy." I said, stuttering just a little.

"Would you like to play some video games with me? I'm sure you are quite bored."

No, if I do that hes gona find out. "S-sorry Opera, but I have to do something." I smiled at him, wondering how long this would take.

"Alright, tonight then?" He asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good!" I said, smiling at him, I couldn't wait to get out of here. If he is missing a knife, we could always blame grandpa.

I slowly walked towards the hallway, trying to get away looking as normal as possible. Though, that was all for nothing.

Because I didn't think I would be tackled to the ground.




Hi guys! Do you remember my promise? I said that if we hit 1000 reads that I would give you guys two chapters.

So you guys will get that next week.

I'm kidding, scroll down.

A promise is a promise after all.

And I always keep my promises.

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