Chapter eleven

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Tori's P

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Tori's P.O.V.

I always enjoyed the crisp morning air, and I found the beauty in it to be fascinating. Something about being awake before everything else was comforting. The way the sky faded from black, to a deep blue, to golden orange entranced me. It pleased me to watch the sun peak over the horizon and spill orange and red hues throughout the atmosphere. The transition from night to day was the most peaceful event to witness, and it happened to occur every morning.

As passionate Pony was with sunsets, I was smitten with sunrises that much more.

I awoke around the same time as Darry, and he in fact was not fond of mornings because for him, it was the hours of work.

The rest of the boys were still asleep inside and I could hear Darry rattling around in the kitchen. Thankfully though, the sounds weren't too overbearing to drown out the chirps and whistles.

My mother was probably getting home right about now, and thankfully I gave her a call last night to let her know we were staying at the Curtis house again. And of course she laughed when she heard, probably because it wasn't much of a surprise. We practically live at the Curtis house and visit our own home. Which is why my mother spared some money to Darry since he was the one to feed us almost every night while she was gone. She knew he was struggling to keep him and his own brothers afloat, and us three sticking around every night only put more weight on his back. But my mother managed to account for us. Maybe it would be an even bigger help if I learned how to cook.

Thankfully my mother knew Darry well, or else us staying would probably be a definite no. Not only that, I think my brothers had something to do with it as well. I don't think my mother would be too fond of me staying over with only boys.

I heard the screen door flying open behind me and then Darry jogging down the steps.

"I better see you tonight at dinner, Tori." Darry said without turning around and making a beeline towards his truck.

This morning I was unable to avoid him lecturing me about missing dinner and being out so late on my own. He was also not afraid to let me know how irresponsible and selfish that was because he was very worried about me. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Darry really took over the role of 'father' when his parents died, more over Soda and Pony, but also the rest of us. And man how I hated it. Not only do I have Two-bit breathing down my back, but I have Darry buzzing around in my ear as well. My twin brother on the other hand was the complete opposite. He was the bad influence that only got me in trouble.

I let out a breath that I had been holding in and stretched my arms out. I had no plans today and quite frankly I didn't want to make any.

I wonder if Toni had any plans today with his 'friends.'

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