Chapter 15

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Mia's POV

"Stop.. don't" i screamed in pain while he was choking me to death. I am out of breath by now, i am gasping for fresh air but he just keep tightening his grip on my throat. "You're going to die" he said angrily. I am doing my best to get his hold off my throat but by every move of mine he just grip tight on my throat.

"Pl- please leave m- me alo- ne" i begged. But he didn't heard a single thing come out from my mouth. I scream and scream but he didn't budge.

I shot open my eyes to see worry in Derek's eyes, he was keep trying to waking me up from the bad dream of mine. "Are you okay? Who was it in your dream? Do you need something?" He asked me questions so quickly i didn't get time to collect my thoughts instead of telling the truth about the who is the guy in my dream i said "nothing to worry about, it's just a bad dream and i am fine."

I don't think he believed me when I told him it's nothing, the look on his face clearly shows that he is going to find out about what's all this about?

Later on, he wrap his arm around me and comforting me to sleep, and to my surprise I felt at peace in his presence and i feel safe around him and soon enough i fall asleep while he caressing my face.

Derek's POV

As I was in my bedroom working after i told her to go to sleep, i heard screams coming through her room. I panicked as if she's in danger, i ran towards her bedroom and swing open the door and saw that she was having a bad dream.

"Wake up, sunshine" i tried waking her up but nothing happened and after few minutes of trying, i shake her shoulders so hard she immediately shot her eyes open and stare at me without blinking. "Are you okay? Who was it in your dream? Do you need something?" i questioned her without her thinking for a second. She stared at me and said "nothing to worry about, it's just a bad dream and i am fine."

I didn't believed her when she said everything's fine but to her sake i let it go but i am gonna find out about who was in her nightmare and why she is so scared of him/her and i am gonna make their life a living hell.

Hey readers, i know it's been so long i didn't publish any chapter but i am gonna try to be more active from now on.
Happy Reading!

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