Chapter 36 • Faron

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. What's up?" I ask. Dropping the paint brush back on the pallet.

"I thought that we could talk. If you have the time that is. If not I can come back later." She nervously ask me. Fidgeting with a string of hair.

I will always make time for her.

"Sure. I'm always here for you Jaci. You can talk to me anytime." I try to assure her.

Grasping her tiny hand in mine I give her a serious look. Then I notice that she's allowing me to hold her hand without pushing me away.

I genuinely love her progress. She's so brave tackling all of this shit, that I can't help but to completely admire her for it. I'm so proud of her accomplishments. She's worked so damn hard to get where she is today.

"I wanted to talk to you first. I've came to a decision yesterday that may help me with my...issues. I need to leave." She asserts.

She wants to leave? Leave us?

"I don't understand?" I ask her very curiously.

"I have to leave Faron. I have to get away from here, from the...memories. If I don't I will never get better. I need some time away from all of it. I need help!" She desperately pleads.

"But." I honestly don't understand how her leaving will solve any of her problems. Maybe it's just me but I don't want her to leave.

I want her to stay here with us.


Just when I thought she was making some sort of progress she wants to push us away from her any further? It doesn't make sense to me.

"Jaci how will leaving help? You need a good support system behind you and I think all four of us can help you get through this. Don't run away from us. Please." It doesn't bother me that I will stoop low enough to beg her. Hell! I would get down on my fucking knees if it would make her give up this ridiculous notion.

"That's just it. I will have a support system. I want to go to a clinic that helps people like me. Who have been in my situation. Who can understand my pain. I want to get better and if I stay here I can't see that happening any time soon." Her blue eyes are starting to well up with unshed tears as she pleads with me for understanding.

I know she needs the help. I know she can't do it on her own but I also know that it's going to break my damn heart in two if she leaves me.

"For how long?" I ask her earnestly.

Please tell me it won't be long. She hasn't been the same Jaci for over a month now. I don't blame her. I could never do that. She didn't ask for any of this. I just need my Jaci back.

She hesitates before she answers. The hesitation makes me anxious. I do not like the idea of her going. I know I'm being selfish, I know I am, but I don't know what I'm going to do without her. "A month." She finally replies.


No! A fucking month! A day without her is hard enough. But a fucking month? She has got to be kidding?

I don't think any of my brothers are going to agree to what she's proposing. Asher is going to flip his shit. Cal just started getting close to her again and Ora? Damn Ora is going to go fucking ballistic!

"When?" I can barely form the word.

What am I going to do without her here?

"Tomorrow morning." I drop her hands from mine immediately. Standing up quickly, I start to pace frantically around the garage.

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