Chapter 16

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I was rummaging through my closet to find as many pieces of clothing as I could, I would need the clothes for when we left.

I pick up a picture off my desk, it has my dad, mom, my brother and I at the zoo. We looked so happy then.

I restrained myself from taking the photo, I had to forget this old life.

"Anna, could you hurry up?" Jesse impatiently sits on my bed.

"I don't see you helping. Besides, I'm done now." I pick up the bag with my belongings and we head out of the house.

We get into the car and start driving down the road to get to Jesse's house.

"Jesse, watch out!" I screech as a familiar tall figure gets in the middle of the road.

He swerves the car quickly out of the way, and we're breathing hard in panic.

"What was that?" Jesse exclaims.

"I think it could've been Demetrius, he's probably following us. We have to hurry."

I anxiously keep a look out for any other dangerous things leaping out in front of the car.

"We're here." Jesse says, taking the key out of the ignition and we head up the driveway to his house.

"Thank god my parents went on vacation, or else they'd kill me." He grabs my hand and we head up to his room.

I stop abruptly.

"Did you hear that?" I ask wide eyed.


The sound was coming from Jesse's room.

"Stay here." Jesse protectively keeps me behind him.

He slowly walks over to his room and opens the door.

"Thank god," He breathes a sigh of relief," It was just my radio. I had it playing before I got kidnapped."

"Oh good, we didn't need anything else to stress us out."

After that, we collect his things and stop by McDonalds.

As we are eating, I notice a man with a large trench coat and sunglasses sitting in a booth in the far corner of McDonalds.

Was that...?

No way.

He turns his head and I recognize his facial features.


Great, just great.

"Jesse,we have to go." I tug on his hand.

"But I'm eating my burger." He pouts, making a sad face.

"Would you change your mind if I told you Demetrius was here?" I whisper agitated with him.

"He's here? Where?" Jesse's eyes narrow, searching the room.

"There." I whisper, slightly pointing my finger to where he was.

"Lets go." He quickly shoots up out of the chair.

"You go ahead and turn the car on, I'll throw away the trash."

"Ok, but please hurry. That guy looks really dangerous, Anna." Jesse looks at me with concern and walks out the door towards his car.

As I walk to the trash can to throw away the trash, a firm hand wraps around my wrist. I turn to see that it's Demetrius.

"Demetrius." I say in shock.

"Hello, sweetie. Ready to go home now?" He still doesn't let go.

"No, leave me alone." I feel fear taking over me.

He drags me out of McDonalds and I try to have him release me.

"Let me go!" I yell, how did no one notice me literally being kidnapped?

"Let her go!" Jesse's voice barks from behind us.

"Or what?" Demetrius was taunting Jesse.

"I'll kill you!" I had never seen this kind of anger come from Jesse.

"Not a chance, boy. I'm more powerful than you could ever imagine."

Demetrius then throws me over his shoulder and runs at an unimaginable speed.

"Demetrius! Let me go! I don't want to go with you!"

"Yes you do, your mind is just playing tricks on you."

"JESSE!" I cry out, out stretching my hand to him.

He was running after Demetrius, trying to save me. I start squirming to loosen Demetrius' grip on me.

Jesse managed to catch up to Demetrius and was tugging on my arm, attempting to free me.

As this happens, a flash of light blinds us for a second and the next thing I know, Jesse, Demetrius, and I were in a castle.

"Welcome home, sweetheart, make yourself comfortable, it's not like you'll be going anywhere soon." He gives me a creepy grin and walks down the hall out of sight.

"We've got to get out of here." Jesse says.

"Yeah, but what if he finds out that we've escaped? He'll probably find us and try to hurt us." I cross my arms, upset with the situation we were in.

"Come on, lets find a way out. I'm pretty sure we can find a way out of here easily." Jesse smirks in confidence.

Boy was he wrong. We looked everywhere in the castle and there were no signs of any entrance or exit whatsoever. No windows, doors, no nothing.

"Well, this is hopeless." I huff, pacing around what I guess was supposed to be my room, as Demetrius had called it.

"We can't just give up, there's got to be some way to get out of here." Jesse states calmly.

"Wait, don't castles usually have dungeons, Jess?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.

"Well, yeah... Your point?"

"We didn't even look down there! There could be windows of some sort. And I'm surprised, Demetrius doesn't have guards surrounding this place, you'd figure he would."

"Maybe they're on their break." Jesse jokes, smiling idiotically.

"Yes Jesse, and they are also getting some sandwiches, then they'll come capture us." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"You never know, Anna."


"I'm a dork?" Jesse wipes away a fake tear.

"Yes, deal with it. I'm sure we can get out of here somehow, I mean, how does Demetrius get out of here?"

"You were speaking about me?" I spin around, startled to see Demetrius.

"No-no sir." Was he ease dropping on our conversation? I hope not...

"Oh, then what were you speaking of?"

"How we would just love a tour of your castle! It's beautiful!"

Wow, didn't that sound believable?


"Anything for you Anna." I really hated how sweet Demetrius was, it wasn't a nice sweet, it was a sick kind of sweet.

"Come on Anna, I'll show you around, and you can bring him too." He rudely points at Jesse and gestures to the doorway.

'Ok, time for plan break out of here' I think to myself mentally and Jesse follows after me as I walk after Demetrius.

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