Chapter 5

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I don't really like this chapter, I don't think I wrote it well, but I'll try to make the next chapter decent!

And remember how Anna sums up what 'the Man in the Woods' is about? Well, keep that in mind, it's important to the story ;)

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Thank goodness we had school today, I needed to get away from my house. Sure, it was boring, but better than home at the moment.

Jesse was only in my lunch period, and during lunch, we talked about the kiss. It went like this:

'You know, Anna, about last night, that was great.'

'Yeah? I thought the same thing.'

'So, then what are "we"?'

'I don't know, do you want to be, friends or more?'

'More.' He said with a big grin on his face.

And that was that. I took him up on the offer of being 'more' than friends, so now we're going to see how it works out.

Now that I'm out of school, I decided to go straight to the woods to do my homework. It was just so peaceful there. I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

- - -

Why do our teachers have to give us social studies homework? It was my weakest subject.

I got comfortable on a small patch of grass near a stream, I tried to do my homework.

And I mean tried to do it, it was hard because I didn't like it and I just wanted to relax in the woods.

So I just gave up on my homework and set it aside. I start to hum the beat of 'My Heart will go on' by Celine Dion.

Then, I felt myself getting drowsy, falling into a dreamless sleep.

- - -

My eyes fluttered open quickly. Where was I? Oh, crap! I was still in the woods! I pull my phone out to see what time it is.


My dad wasn't going to be happy, he usually expected me home no later than 5:30. I collect my things and make my way through the woods when I hear faint footsteps in the distance.

When I stopped walking, I didn't hear it anymore. I start to get nervous and start walking faster. It turns into a jog til I'm on my street again.

As I walk up to my house, I can't get the feeling that someone is watching me out of my head. I open the door and head into the house.

"Anna Marie Parker! Where have you been?" My dad yells from the kitchen.

Here we go again, I think to myself rolling my eyes.

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