Chapter 12

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"I just can't believe you dated him and didn't tell me. I thought you were more responsible than that." My dad rambles on, anger visible in his voice.

"I, I'm old enough to date, Dad. I'm 16, you know." I state, Jesse squeezing my hand as a way of comfort.

"And you, if you're going to even consider dating my daughter, you'll have to get my permission first." He stares at Jesse then starts chuckling.

I exchange a glance with Jesse, a puzzled look on our faces.

"Son, all you had to do was ask." My dad continues to laugh.

I was down right confused, I thought my dad didn't even like Jesse and I being friends, this was weird

"Oh, um, then sir, may I have permission to date your daughter?" Jesse asks, his voice shaky.

"Yes. But if you ever, EVER hurt my daughter, you'll be facing me."

"Dad..." I whine in embarrassment.

"I won't ever hurt her, I promise." Jesse says, looking at me and smiling.

"That's right, well, I best be going now. Anna, call me when they release you from the hospital, ok?"

"Yeah, Dad. I will."I say and he walks over and kisses my forehead, then exiting the hospital room.

"Well, wasn't that a nice way to meet my dad?" I tease, my tone mocking.

"You can say that." Jesse laughs.

I laugh as well and sit back in the hospital bed.

In the corner of the room, a shadowy figure appears. I scream and Jesse looks in the direction I had been looking at.

It disappears before Jesse can see it.

"There, there was something there! Jesse, I swear! It was dark and scary..." I tremble, and he pulls me into his chest, rubbing my back.

"Shh, it's ok Anna. It's ok, shh..."

The next thing I know my eyelids are getting droopy and then I fall asleep.

~ ~ ~

Ok, there's the chapter! I really hope you comment and vote, it would seriously mean the world to me. I'll try updating next Tuesday or sooner :)

They're Only Stories (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon